(Jimvindropped plates on your arse at,
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:37,
that looks really good
my best advce for faces is to cut out one of the ones from your pic there and just play about with the same techniques you've been using until your happy then start on the main pic.
(Arathkoneformerly naD. Been away awhile.,
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:37,
Duly noted. Ta!
(Insane Maniacmusically inclined (about 45°),
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:40,
no need
(DixipoosBye Bye Blackbird,
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:38,
You seem to be doing fine. Carry on as you are putting in the flats ( base colours ) and then add your shades. I find it is better to work from light to dark when vectoring ( as opposed to dark to light as I have become accustomed to doing when colouring or painting ) Looks like you are doing fine to me. Well, that's my opinion and everyone is welcome to it ;)
(Zoot Cadillac .do androids dream of electric sheep?,
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:43,
Light to dark? That might help
So far I've been going dark to light, and it's turned a bit tedious when it came to the like of their hair. Ta for the compliment!
(Insane Maniacmusically inclined (about 45°),
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:46,
(Zoot Cadillac .do androids dream of electric sheep?,
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:53,
That's a bit bloody good!
& yeh, this has taken its time, I've been working on it every now & then over the last 3 days, think ive put about 7-8 hours into it so far. Only my 2nd vector drawing so far
(Insane Maniacmusically inclined (about 45°),
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 17:56,
ha. I like the cat!
( but not cats, there is a difference ;))
That above was only my first evor vector and remains unfinished. I've got a bit better since then but it drives me crazy, I'd rather paint or shop purple cocks. This was about the last vector I did and was just an experiment in shade hence it being grayscale. ( the image needs to be viewed full size to see the vectoring proper )
(Zoot Cadillac .do androids dream of electric sheep?,
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 18:01,
That's a wee bit good!
Right, back to vectoring... anything to put off essays NEways
(Insane Maniacmusically inclined (about 45°),
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 18:02,