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# doing a bitch of an essay
but will get thrown out if it sucks too much. can anyone help me finish this sentence?

The media frenzy that surrounded ‘Nasty’ Nick Bateman upon his expulsion from the Big Brother house was of the size more expected from ..... from what?
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:12, archived)
# how about...
"the disgrace of a genuinely talented celebrity."
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:14, archived)
# well its an essay about celebrity
and the fickleness and stupidity of the public so that doesn't quite fit but cheers. i liked him, he was a right cunt.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:16, archived)
# oh well... I didn't have the context!
my gf is a teacher and recently did a discussion with her 5th year kids about celebrity... "does celebrity have any relation to talent?" was a question I suggested...
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:19, archived)
# it blatantly doesn't.
not even slightly.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:21, archived)
# indeed...
these are kids who don't read books... and can barely make it through a whole issue of "Heat". They just don't question ANYTHING!!!
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:24, archived)
# i ahve a copy of 'heat' right here
i am using it as a source. also Viz and Loaded. the last essay I wrote was on 'Jackass', i totally use what i know.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:25, archived)
# jackass?
..now you're talking. Johnnny has his finger on the zeitgeist. On a skateboard. With stilts. And a stick of dynamite up his ass. Jumping over two tons of raw sewage.

Jackass rocks.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:29, archived)
# i got a mark equivalent to a first for it
which was god, for an essay written drunk in an hour.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:30, archived)
# He's on this years Gumball 3000 again with Doktored
It starts soon.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:30, archived)
# yeah i read that
and a feature film is meant to be out in July
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:31, archived)
# Depending on the age of the lecturer
Either Profumo or Nixon when they were caught out
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:20, archived)
# pro-
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:24, archived)
# John Profumo, you may have seen the film 'Scandal'
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:27, archived)
# i don't watch clever films
but i'll check the link out.

edit: i'm gonna use that, thats pretty useful.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:32, archived)
# I wouldn't call it a 'clever' film.
It focused on the sex side of the scandal rather than the politics. I'd say it was a C4 film rather than a BBC2 one. Not a C5 one though.

Basically it's a lying politician (oxymoron), one of the earliest to get really caught out.
In a paragraph - "John Profumo, Secretary of State for War, had an affair with a prostitute Christine Keeler. It was found out that Christine Keeler also knew a Soviet intelligence officer. Profumo denied this in the House of Commons but it was proved true and Profumo was forced to resign."

Nixon may be easier to write about if you know a bit about his case. Then there's Clinton more recently. In the UK Archer's been sent to jail but everyone hates him and he is nasty.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:41, archived)
# this makes me seem stupid but
what exactly was archer's crime?

(in my defence, i didn't live in britain till september)
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:57, archived)
# Archer's crime
was being a crooked, lying swindler all his life.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 23:01, archived)
# if that was a crime
half my parents friends would be in prison. as would all plumbers.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 23:05, archived)
# He was in a different league
to your average plumber mate, believe me.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 23:10, archived)
# you couldn't actually
tell me the frigging answer could you? cheers.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 23:16, archived)
# david beckham's
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:16, archived)
# i might use that.
or is it too taking-the-piss?
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:17, archived)
# that was absolutely
taking the piss!

and only raises more questions
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:19, archived)
# i guess, i liked it though
might use it another time.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:21, archived)
# Do one on the collapse of daniella westbrook's nose
as a metaphor for the collapse of the world trade centre.
That'll get you a first, guaranteed.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:18, archived)
# if westbrooks nose collapsed before the wtc
(which it did), then could i argue that osama bin laden was just a pissed-off eastenders fan? probably not, and it isn't related to the topic, but it's thought-provoking...
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:20, archived)
# two major volumes reduced to one big hole...
go for it!
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:21, archived)
# that is
very sick but very very funny.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:22, archived)
# Ithangyou...

(start the car)
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:25, archived)
# I miss
daniella westbrook jokes. that was a beautiful time for so many of us.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:27, archived)
# humour
nose no bounds.

(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:33, archived)
# ...exactly the sort of non event that this actually was
and it illustrates the point of media frenzy, non news and the concept of celebritism that someone makes a person "famous" and in a sense better than "regular people" when infact its all total total bullshit
(ok you may need to tone that last bit down a little)
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:21, archived)
# thats actualy quite close
to what i'm writing.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:22, archived)
# and another thing
when the public at large start to hate a character from a popular soap opera, they tend to hate the actor as well.
maybe a case of personification, but still, the public are idiots
and the tabloids thrive on this

kill the tabloids
kill celeberties and their "privilaged" circle

more popbitch where(although i suspect a lot of it are just lies) they shatter the myth that celebs are these perfect people and that they have real lifes and the celeb status has gone to their heads so they think they can get away with anything
actually get rid of popbitch because its just fuel for the celeb status fire which in turn gives tabloids more celeb gossip which makes idiots more interested in the celebs because they like to hear the dirt

mm ive just totally contradicted myself there
i need to calm down a bit
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:25, archived)
# yeah dude.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:26, archived)
# The SUn is already
trying to 'Free' some eastenders bint who's been sent to prison.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:29, archived)
# i love the sun
thats how i keep track of who sven goran eriksson is boning.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:32, archived)
# Did you see earlier - I think he was after the Squirrel
But Ulrika though he was making eyes at her.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:47, archived)
# beautiful
i can see that on the front page tomorrow.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2002, 22:51, archived)