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ha ha ha ha ha, British time! ;-)
/we used to have an Empire when the world went by OUR classification blog
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 13:49,
I thought everyone knew it was 9th November?
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 13:52,
Ah, you too have watched
the marvellous Stewart Lee routine "in the wake of that terrible day, the ninth of November"
Ptolemy the man with the silent pea,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:00,
I loved the fact
that he insisted on referring to it as the 9th of November the whole way through the set.
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:03,
haha that was ace
cuak oh noes! i'm b3tarded,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:03,
Damn right
At least we had the decency to stage our disaster on 7/7 out of consideration for the Colonials so they'd understand the date
Ptolemy the man with the silent pea,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 13:52,
i hate any use of the term 7/7
makes me sick!
fuck sake
what happened to just using the 7th of July?
it's hardly a mouthfull :(
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah!,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:00,
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:01,
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah!,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:03,
sad to say
i was hoping some famous american chain stores would start sponsering terrorism, to get into the public psyche
Next scheduled terrorist events
7th Nov = 7/11 (Seven Eleven)
Nonny Mouse. -- Scared as a Shitting Scorpion,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:03,
Ali G
got into lots of trouble for referring to it as 7/11 on his US chat show.
Ralph farts in your general direction,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 21:53,
its another syllable!
which could be saved for "COCK!" or "FLANGE" or saved up to go with "TOSSBITCHWANKYMINGEFLAPS"
Inigo Montoya Would wear you like a hat. A HAT!!!,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:05,
july is two syllables
which could be used for 'wanker'or 'fucksocks'
Derek Monte subthread killer: qu'est-ce que c'est,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:07,
Inigo Montoya Would wear you like a hat. A HAT!!!,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:08,
I completely agree
with what you just said there in that post wot you just posted that I am replying to.
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango,
Mon 11 Sep 2006, 14:07,
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