Shrews in shoes, shrews in shoes (something to rhyme with shoes) etc

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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 17:46,

shrews in shoes watching the news escaping from the giant jews, giant jews attacking and whacking the tiny shrews
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 18:12,

Might try to make a flash anim around this one
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 17:56,

Have you heard the news?
Those tiny little shroos
Have started wearing shoes!
Shoes for shroos!
Not for gnus!
Or even for moose(s)!
Shroos shroos shroos!
Wearing their shoes!
Hooray hooray what a time to be alive!
Ta very much, I'll be here all week
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 17:54,
Those tiny little shroos
Have started wearing shoes!
Shoes for shroos!
Not for gnus!
Or even for moose(s)!
Shroos shroos shroos!
Wearing their shoes!
Hooray hooray what a time to be alive!
Ta very much, I'll be here all week

searching for clues
looking everywhere and finding nothing but 'roos.
I think it's time to leave this place the little shrew shouted
so off he went to africa to find a new department
he got there just in time
to see the ostrich pine
which made him very scared
so he struggled down a mine.
the ostrich duelly followed him,
having guzzled lots of gin
and firmly planted his head
into the poor shrews quim.
worked in my head
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Mon 20 Nov 2006, 18:22,
looking everywhere and finding nothing but 'roos.
I think it's time to leave this place the little shrew shouted
so off he went to africa to find a new department
he got there just in time
to see the ostrich pine
which made him very scared
so he struggled down a mine.
the ostrich duelly followed him,
having guzzled lots of gin
and firmly planted his head
into the poor shrews quim.
worked in my head