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[challenge entry] So I've heard, anyway...

From the If advertisments were honest challenge. See all 785 entries (closed)

(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:27, archived)
# short,

and to the point.

hole in one. snigger
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:28, archived)
# and old ladies fannies
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:28, archived)
# you can have bum sex without it
get her wet enough and you can use it as lube....WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS???
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:29, archived)
# dirty show off
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:30, archived)
# I'm beginning to think
you need help...
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:30, archived)
# ME?
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:33, archived)
# If not help
then more lube....
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:37, archived)
# Anything
As long as I don't have to pay
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:42, archived)
# As the bishop
said to the actress
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:42, archived)
# ???
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:46, archived)
# What's wrong
with WD40?
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:30, archived)
# You have to pay for that
use natural lube

Yes, it did take me this long to think of a come back to that
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:37, archived)
# Az, you mentioned a pic of HeMan and you on your profile
but it in't working now for some reason. [I it anything on the lines of my Skeletor Porno Pics?]
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:39, archived)
# Nope
I did post it again a bit down the page...But I don't know why it's not working, it works for me
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:43, archived)
# Hello there!
I liked that series - you should have started a website and sent out hundreds of emails inviting people to come and look...
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:43, archived)
# Cheers!
A've bin a bit busy lately though. Doing Stuff. A fuchin ate Stuff. But, yeah, it is th esort of thing that deserves doing properly, and that means to death!
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:47, archived)
# Oh right, someone else said, and you posted it here.
But it's still not working for me... <:O(
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:43, archived)
# Right click where the pic should be
copy and paste the URL and follow it that way, see if that works....It's really not that exciting...lol
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:46, archived)
# no neeeeeeed!

also used for devil-posessed children and crucifxies
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:32, archived)
# hello have you been lurking for a while?
how did you find b3ta?
We're getting so many new people signing in to take part in this competition.
I judges last weeks comp and it had 22 pages, this one has 52 and it's not even Monday (day) yet! :)
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:33, archived)
# I was thinking that
on Friday.
I pity the poor foo who has to judge this one.
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:37, archived)
# I know i keep mentioning it
but that version of 'Major Tom' by 'The Space Lady' is still utterly amazing me, i've had it on repeat for ages every day since I found it (checks back and realises it was only Saturday Morning) it's what happens with a tune every now and again - 'Uranium' by 'Radioactive Man' was another, and an acapella version of 'Breakfast At Tiffanys' by a singing quartet/quintet or something.
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:42, archived)
# I've got that at the moment
with Mad World covered by Gary Jules, it's used to great affect at the end of Donnie Darko.
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:52, archived)
# oh yes saw that film, best one in years and that song was used to such an effect it
blew my mind (and that takes some blowing ;) so yes that one too, i had it looping for the few days before I left to go to NY for Christmas.
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:59, archived)
# lurking
but just found out that potatoshop is much easier than paint shop pro. and i had an idea for once.
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:41, archived)
# And we thought the orstrich one was bad
Even that had only 59 pages in total!
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:42, archived)
# the Movies straight to video was a monster
the biggest yet i think.
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:43, archived)
# Heh.
Wasn't around for that one. Looks like we'll beat this week though.
(, Mon 13 Jan 2003, 1:47, archived)