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# i wouldn't advise it
it's more likely to get stuck to a different envelope by some schemer
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:08, archived)
# These should be in the
'Things we'd like to see' section of the newsletter. Someone else would then do all the work for us.
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:10, archived)
# submit it, baby!
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:11, archived)
# I can't at the moment
due to the bloody webfilters. There's an approximately 87.2% chance I'll have completely forgotten by the time I get home.
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:12, archived)
# damn work filters!
i might logon at home for ten minutes tonight just to check the old gaz...
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:14, archived)
# D'you want me to gaz you?
Just to make it worth it?
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:15, archived)
# g'wan then!
something nice though!
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:16, archived)
# Same here
I can see that I have a couple in my inbox, but I can't get to them yet.
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:16, archived)
# i can't even see if i have any!
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:17, archived)
# you don't have any
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:23, archived)
# yes i do!
mrs trellis said she would send me one!
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:24, archived)
# oh yes he does
(, Wed 9 May 2007, 14:30, archived)