I've always wanted to try addressing a letter purely by GPS co-ordinates but I don't have a GPS unit to find out where my house is.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:04,
I've always wanted to try addressing a letter purely by GPS co-ordinates but I don't have a GPS unit to find out where my house is.

I've always wondered what the smallest thing you can send through the post is, could you write an address on the back of a stamp?
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:06,

it's more likely to get stuck to a different envelope by some schemer
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:08,

'Things we'd like to see' section of the newsletter. Someone else would then do all the work for us.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:10,

due to the bloody webfilters. There's an approximately 87.2% chance I'll have completely forgotten by the time I get home.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:12,

i might logon at home for ten minutes tonight just to check the old gaz...
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:14,

I can see that I have a couple in my inbox, but I can't get to them yet.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:16,

who sent a letter in code to his family, including the envelope.
it got delivered because he didn't encode the house number or postcode.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:11,
it got delivered because he didn't encode the house number or postcode.

to a couple of houses. I need the height as well 'cos we're in a first floor flat.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:17,

google earth, it should be pretty accurate- just find your house and record the GPS co-ords from it.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:31,

they tend to fail the simple version: horizontal slit/flat parcel.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:09,

most likely to throw them into the neighbour's garden and stick a card through the door.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:05,

[ ] there is outstanding postage on sent item
[ ] we called while you were out
[x] we called while you were pulling your pants on and falling down the stairs in a rush to make it to the front door
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:09,
[ ] we called while you were out
[x] we called while you were pulling your pants on and falling down the stairs in a rush to make it to the front door

[ ] we called while you were in the bath, but you slipped trying to get out in a rush, banged your head on the tub, and drowned in your own murky bathwater. Luckily, we had a film crew peering through your window and your last humiliating moments will be spread for all to see across the internets.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:13,

but we couldn't be bothered to knock on your door and wait for you to answer, so we posted this pre-filled card instead.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 21:04,

bet he will flatten and bend them anyway though!
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:06,

My postman would simply force them through the smallest hole using brute force and possibly some sort of hammer.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:06,

*removes apendage from letterbox*
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:07,

don't tell me you were trying out the triangular one...?
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:08,

My dog eats anything that goes through the letterbox
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:20,

i needn't have bothered buying this tin of chum!
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:33,

the shortiest skirt
the purplest sponge cake
the bordeauxitst pluralist
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:11,
the purplest sponge cake
the bordeauxitst pluralist

the leftist lugnut
the cleanest carpet
the happiest salseman
the bloodiest corpse
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:16,
the cleanest carpet
the happiest salseman
the bloodiest corpse

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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:09,

as he is a cunt and an ex con.
Related story: I lost my phone at t in the park but it was kindly handed into the lost property and I eventually got it back a week later. To my horror however, when I got it back, I found that the first 15 or so people in my phone book had received texts saying "I love you, want to come round to mine for a fuck?". All those texts were received when it would have been in the sorting office. Cunts.
It would've been easier to for me to take if anyone had actually responded in the positive.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:09,
Related story: I lost my phone at t in the park but it was kindly handed into the lost property and I eventually got it back a week later. To my horror however, when I got it back, I found that the first 15 or so people in my phone book had received texts saying "I love you, want to come round to mine for a fuck?". All those texts were received when it would have been in the sorting office. Cunts.
It would've been easier to for me to take if anyone had actually responded in the positive.

I joined in with that posting toast malarky a while back. Posted poems on toast.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:11,

asking you to collect them
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:18,

reminds me of the time me and my friend got hold of a blank postcard (white on both sides) so we stamped and addressed both sides, one to me and one to him, then waited and saw where it ended up.
It came straight to me, so I put it back in the postbox and it came right back to me (even though the stamp had already been stamped). After the fourth time I got it back in the post we gave up.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:21,
It came straight to me, so I put it back in the postbox and it came right back to me (even though the stamp had already been stamped). After the fourth time I got it back in the post we gave up.

i wonder why it never went to your mate.....
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:22,
i wonder why it never went to your mate.....

he lives in Brighton, and we posted it in Brighton to begin with...every other time I sent it from London and it just came straight back
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:26,

Stuck a stamp on it, wrote his address on it, and posted it. He got it delivered too, but only because it wasn't worth stealing by the damn glasgow posties.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:21,

because he's an idiot. If we did that, the square package would get hammered into the round hole.
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Wed 9 May 2007, 14:34,