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# Something

Click for bigger (237KB)

(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:30, archived)
# WOW!
Erm...dunno..some colour?

Is most 88
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:32, archived)
# i dont know whats going on
but i like it!
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:32, archived)
# That is rather sexy
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:33, archived)
# theres glamour shots of me on deviant art
follow Lomticks links honey
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:34, archived)
# Woo
for mad, massively in-depth drawings!

(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:33, archived)
# i would advise you
to continue your current course of medication
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:34, archived)
# That's something alright !
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 22:47, archived)