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# oh man
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:23, archived)
# as mentioned below, hetero boyzone crap is bullshit.
i'm not crying, i'm just telling you. there's a difference.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:24, archived)
# Who mentioned boyzone?
You're a crazy person!
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:25, archived)
# hetero boyzone: when the predominately heterosexual male population of message boards attempt to alienate people who aren't just like them.
as exemplified by your post, which prominently features the epithet 'faggot' accompanied by a woman who isn't 'hot'.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:29, archived)
# Oh gee. You don't like a word I used - I must fit perfectly into your pre-defined label.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:30, archived)
# no, the cavalier use of a denigrating term annoys me.
when it's pointed out, the sensible reaction in polite society is to admit you're being a dick and stop it, not to try to be a bigger dick.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:34, archived)
# Nobody gives a fuck if you're annoyed on the Internet.
Man up.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:35, archived)
# ah, more boyzone crap. your range of expression is amazing.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:37, archived)
# I'm going to assume "boyzone crap" means something.
How is "man up" in any way homophobic?

It means ,stop being a little whiney little girl on the Internet, and grow a pair. It has nothing to do with your sexual preferences.

(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:42, archived)
# you really are a simpleton if you don't understand how 'man up' is boyzone crap.
and in case you really cannot read, i didn't say 'man up' was homophobic. go back and try again.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:44, archived)
# Daddy raped you just a bit too hard eh?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:45, archived)
# please do try harder, i'm not as easy to wind up as people with your limited intelligence.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:48, archived)
# Oh right, I suppose I am the one being wound up?
Yes, you got me there! I was reeled in when I posted the hot lady wasn't I?

(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:51, archived)
# you should, you are stupid.
and you do seem wound up, which likely annoys you more than anything else here.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:53, archived)
# pfft, you're brilliant you are.
Spastic, but brilliant, in your own autistic little way.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:58, archived)
# you should post some more pics you didn't make that are hosted by people you don't know.
that particularly makes your already tremendous arguments so much more compelling.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:00, archived)
# What arguments?
I've not posted any viewpoints, you have. You're quite irate about it too.


(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:04, archived)
# i suspect any viewpoint you might have would be as second-hand and second-rate as your pics.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:11, archived)
It's this kind of sloppy thinking that got one of them FP'd. Pay attention at the back!
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:15, archived)
# it's clear they aren't yours, hence my note that you're leaching.
do try to keep up.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:19, archived)
# You just said they were mine.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:20, archived)
# yes, they're 'yours' as in you posted them here.
we all own our posts here, meaning we're responsible for the content in them, even if the words and images aren't original. are you new to language?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:23, archived)
# Yes. Booga wooga?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:34, archived)
# you got today's codes?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 7:33, archived)
you better have today's bloody codes
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 7:35, archived)
# Right.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:37, archived)
# It's the first image of it's kind I've ever seen.
I think maybe you're just an idiot.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:30, archived)
# good for you. you're an asshole.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:32, archived)
# You're a fucking nazi, how dare you say that she is not HOT.
She is totally hot, and you are jealous of my left thumb.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:33, archived)
# yep, you're an asshole. how surprising.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:37, archived)
# Does that make me a faggot?
I hate leftover meatballs.

(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:39, archived)
# and now you're leaching pics. that proves how adult you are.
edit: my mistake. everything you've posted here has been leached, hasn't it?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:39, archived)
# I have been all along, you stupid boy.
I don't think 4chan's archive site will give a shit either. You could try letting them know - they might come and hunt me down! OH NOES!
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:44, archived)
# finally, a post from you that isn't complete nonsense.
you must have had help with it. still, leaching is frowned upon here, which you should know by now.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:47, archived)

(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:49, archived)
# if only.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:50, archived)
# Is this you wishing harm toward someone online?
Would you like a Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down? You seem to be unable to keep biting.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:59, archived)
# i don't think any harm would come from your life ending.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:02, archived)
# See, now you're just being Pasanoncic.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:05, archived)
# what harm? you said your life was over, i merely hoped you were right.
and you're not getting to me in the slightest. don't flatter yourself, kid.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:13, archived)
# You appear to be unable to accept your wound up state.
Dave posts a nonsense pic = Postbear getting defensive.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:19, archived)
# keep trying. anything else to leach?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:21, archived)
# oh loads
Seeing as you asked so nicely!

(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:23, archived)
# go for broke! post a lot more.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:24, archived)
# This is you:
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:39, archived)
# more! you should post more leached pics!
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:43, archived)
# yeah
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:48, archived)
# it's always a good move to try and drag more people into the argument, particularly when they aren't posting at the moment.
lots of class shown there.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:50, archived)
# I'm not trying to do any such thing.
I'll carry this on up above, as we have run out of space.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:52, archived)
# no matter to me, as long as you post more leached pics.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:53, archived)
# I've been tricking you!
Some of them aren't leeched! HAH! FOOLED! I bet you're gutted now.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:55, archived)
# and yet most of them have been.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:57, archived)
# nobody cares
except you
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 6:07, archived)
# Is that a giant poo or some sort of wierd sea creature?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:54, archived)
# It's Postbear.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:57, archived)
# So... both?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:59, archived)
# dare I ask what is hetero boyzone?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:26, archived)
# see above.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:29, archived)
# I think I'll go before this turns all nasty.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:31, archived)
# I'm going to hide under my desk. I have Pepsi. You want in?
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:34, archived)
# I think i'll hide under my desk to, but i have irn bru.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:34, archived)
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:39, archived)
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:45, archived)
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:46, archived)
# I do not approve of this image.
It is homophobic, but let's call it "boyzone", and you are a mean nasty man on the Internet. I'm going to tell my Mummy.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:48, archived)
# well, you're wrong again, but that's not surprising.
also, it's 'shopped and not leached, which probably baffles you.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:49, archived)
# [/;-D
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:50, archived)
# Apparently so!
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:51, archived)
# It's all going to end soon.
One of them will more than likely thump their keyboard and break it.
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:34, archived)
# me ! !!!!11 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 !!! !
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 5:46, archived)
# Looks like a barney did happen...
*crawls further under desk*

I haven't had a beer for a week :(
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 4:48, archived)