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Another compo 'effort'

TWii anybody?
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Wii Games They'd Never Make challenge. See all
466 entries (closed)
Raindance Work is inversely proportional to post-count,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:52,
why is there always rain in your username?
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something.,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:54,
I've thought about changing it every now and then
I live in Scotland however so Sundance wouldn't really suit.
Raindance Work is inversely proportional to post-count,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:57,
I remember the seahorses. They were distinctly ok!
NinjaBadger hides in the bushes and gives you TB.,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:56,
Yeah they were!
They were mostly an excuse for John Squire to endlessly fret-wank for his own amusement.
Raindance Work is inversely proportional to post-count,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:58,
To be fair, he is rather good at it...
It was the lyrics that were shockingly bad...
Sonic James Doom forgetting the date since... umm...,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:59,
Too true
Happiness is egg-shaped my arse!
Raindance Work is inversely proportional to post-count,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:00,
Love is egg-shaped....
if you're a lady type anyway...
Sonic James Doom forgetting the date since... umm...,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:02,
Blinded by the Sun was a great tune!
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:03,
Unemployment simulator!
marvellous :)

Sonic James Doom forgetting the date since... umm...,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:57,
I'm wearing a maroon jumper to teach today.
What colour did you choose?
NinjaBadger hides in the bushes and gives you TB.,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:59,
It was an interview so just a one off thing...
I opted for a black and blue cardigan.
Maroon sounds good though, I'll bear that in mind for when I start the training in September...
Sonic James Doom forgetting the date since... umm...,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:01,
good luck with it :-)
Best job in the world! End of my free period...back to work!!
NinjaBadger hides in the bushes and gives you TB.,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:03,
Danke schone!
Sonic James Doom forgetting the date since... umm...,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:11,
I am simulating unemployment by being off sick.
I have been on b3ta for more than 11 hours straight.
I think I've broken through to the other side.
But, the state of my underwear aside, I'm delighted to finally witness the day shift - my natural home - for the first time in fucking ages.
Good morning, everyone. I'm polishing off some crappy red wine, so I toast you.
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:05,
I doff my cap to you sir.
Don't stop believin'.
Raindance Work is inversely proportional to post-count,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:08,
Ha ha ha ha ha
'lo Sea Tramp, long time since I've seen you round these parts, welcome back!
Go for the 24hrs record...
Sonic James Doom forgetting the date since... umm...,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:08,
The offie doesn't open for another 49 minutes.
Might hafta sleep for 36 hours instead.
Pretty soon.
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace,
Mon 23 Feb 2009, 10:11,
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