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# sounds like a job for twatnipppppppp
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:23, archived)
# :D
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:26, archived)
# shhh
he's mates with Icke, they might assume we're lizards, or working for the lizards, then... then... what do these Icke-ians actually do once they've established that shape-shifting-light-bending-4th-dimensional aliens control the world? What then? Send them a letter of complaint?
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:26, archived)
# he might send them one of his turquoise track suits from the 80's
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:28, archived)
# pfft
or a Coventry season ticket?
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:30, archived)

boy did they have low standards in the 80's

goddess my arse!
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:32, archived)
# It was either her or 'Mad' Lizzie Webb
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:37, archived)
# *shudder*
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:38, archived)
# I'm afraid to say that I don't quite follow the green goddess reference
and don't wish to google it as I don't want to stumble upon plant porn at work.
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:42, archived)
# I'm sure Icke was part of BBC Breakfast Time with The Green Goddess
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:45, archived)
# ah, ok I see...
it does seem familiar, but I'm maybe too young or dozy to remember properly.
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:47, archived)
# .....
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:56, archived)
# ah, frank bough
his career went a bit sour when he allegedy was photographed having a thai hooker orgy with alledged photographs taken by an allegedged photographer in the alleged country of thailand allegedly

(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:59, archived)
# yeah well, fuck the lizards
the insectoids are going to eat everyone of them out of spite

that's what they told me anyway

by channeling the message through my toaster
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:37, archived)
# my toaster said it would most likely be slugs of doom.
What model of toaster do you have?
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:42, archived)
# what! I don't even have a toaster!!!

(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:44, archived)
# pffffffft. :)
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:27, archived)
# I don't care what anyone says...he doesn't make those pictures.

either that or he talks about himself in 3rd person for no reason on other forums ;)
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:38, archived)
# I think it probably is him
but I think he thinks he's better at Photoshop than he is. there's a certain level of conceit in his replies.
I went to school/college with a guy who is similar in his wordings, and (for those that know him) it's quite obvious he authored his own wiki page,
albeit in the third person.
/Just personal opinion
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:39, archived)
# being up himself is one thing
but thinking he actually has an in on the actual conspiracies of this world

meh :)
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:40, archived)
# drbroon thinks he saw elvis and jimi hendrix throwing stones at jfk at a party at the weekend
it was all just fun though, jfk was throwing them back.
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:44, archived)
# until he makes me a giraffe in a dapper hat and scarf, like I asked!!! :D
I will doubt anything that he says he made. :)
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:42, archived)
# hahaha, blame the illuminati, they're keeping giraffes in hats and scarves under wraps
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:43, archived)
# yeah, it's because if the nazi's using the vimanas they discovered on the moon find out that the illuminati has them it would be all out war
or..er.. something
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:45, archived)
# he's quite the conversationalist.
I particularly like how he answers neutral questions like a kid who's just learned a new swearyword.

(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:40, archived)
# he does demonstrate the innability to form an argument indeed
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:43, archived)
# are you arguing with me?
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:48, archived)
# no I am !

(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:51, archived)
# yes you're not
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:54, archived)
# that's what they want you to think because you watch adverts for shampoo!
or is it
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:56, archived)
# Take 2 bottles into the shower?
NO! I get my brainwashed with Wash'N'Go!
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:59, archived)
# yeah! the chemicals get under the follicles and they WASH YOUR BRIAN
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 12:01, archived)
# he's a poo head
(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:47, archived)
# haha
that's such a good insult

(, Mon 23 Feb 2009, 11:52, archived)