After too much internet and then lack of internet and fandoms, I come up with weird ideas.

to celebrate
no chocolate covered candy hearts
to give away
no first of spring
no song to sing
in fact it's just another
ordinary day
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Mon 23 Feb 2009, 13:08,
no chocolate covered candy hearts
to give away
no first of spring
no song to sing
in fact it's just another
ordinary day

by Chuck Prophet. I wish I could find a version of it online to play for everyone :(
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Mon 23 Feb 2009, 13:09,

I'd submit a better pic here, but it's emoish fanart. Not of 118 thankfully though.
Though, if people on devart so request, I'd do more 118 fanart, though try to make it more OMGKAWAIILOLSHOUNENAI type. So maybe bigger eyes, more floaty looking, and flowers.
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Mon 23 Feb 2009, 13:19,
Though, if people on devart so request, I'd do more 118 fanart, though try to make it more OMGKAWAIILOLSHOUNENAI type. So maybe bigger eyes, more floaty looking, and flowers.