arguing with the copper, and is swearing his mouth off. The copper gives him several warnings, and several oppurtunities to shut up and walk away, yet they always come back, call the coppers allsorts and end up kicking, screaming and shirtless in the back of the police van. Oh dear.
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Fri 24 Apr 2009, 17:24,

Cue bloke - usually pissed - with his mates kicking off
Police arrive
Guy gives shedloads of verbal abuse direct to coppers
Coppers issue warnings to calm down and go home - usually 3 or 4 until the 'last chance or I'll section 5 your arse'
Guy pushes the boundary a little bit further and often will kick out
Guy gets faceplanted on the floor by coppers.
Guy screams
Guy shouts
Guy's last word before being put in the back of the van by 6 officers?
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Fri 24 Apr 2009, 17:27,
Police arrive
Guy gives shedloads of verbal abuse direct to coppers
Coppers issue warnings to calm down and go home - usually 3 or 4 until the 'last chance or I'll section 5 your arse'
Guy pushes the boundary a little bit further and often will kick out
Guy gets faceplanted on the floor by coppers.
Guy screams
Guy shouts
Guy's last word before being put in the back of the van by 6 officers?

and then right at the end it will say
"The man driving around at 80 mph in a stolen white van who then ram-raided an old lady before brutally maiming three children and a puppy, was let off with a caution"
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Fri 24 Apr 2009, 17:35,
"The man driving around at 80 mph in a stolen white van who then ram-raided an old lady before brutally maiming three children and a puppy, was let off with a caution"