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# She was a great politician.
Like or loathe her, you cannot question her ability.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:09, archived)
# See also
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:09, archived)
# Special mention
Genghis Khan.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:10, archived)
# A little different.
Genghis ruled with his family and, whilst he was very successful against the Chin and the Arabs, he was very much a general and ruled through power.

Perhaps Jochi would be a better example - yes he died and never became Khan, but his followers wanted to follow him.

Another example from Ghengis's contemporaries might be Jelaudin, who lost his entire army of 160,000 men to Genghis and was down to his brothers and father, but after his father's death raised an army of 60,000 men which managed the only recorded defeat of Ghengis's army. Later that entire army was destroyed, with only Jelaudin himself escaping (jumping his horse off a cliff into the sea), yet he went on to raise yet another army which, although he was murdered before it arrived, overran Jerusalem and held it for almost 700 years.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:29, archived)
# I've watched Mongol.
I know the score.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:46, archived)
# I haven't
Is it good? I like that period a lot.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 17:06, archived)
Her ability to sell off national assets, give breaks to all her rich friends in business, destroy whole communities, introduce the poll tax, increase the gap between rich and poor, deny the concept of society....
No, you can't question her ability.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:11, archived)
# I am not saying that she was good.
I was saying that she at least did something, rather than just doing nothing and issuing sound-bites.

Any decision, even a wrong decision, is better than no decision at all.

Also, 'National Assets'? After Brown sold all our gold in one lump, I find it hard to find any other leader's actions on that front anything but laudable.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:31, archived)
# I'd have preferred her to do nothing.
I can't see how making a 'wrong' decision is better than none.
As for 'wrong' - her decisions weren't mistakes on her part, they were calculated to empower the rich and diminish the poor.
I agree, selling off the bullion was a stupid thing to do, but nothing compared to thatcher's programme of selling off the utilities, rail, etc and squandering the north sea assets with tax breaks for the rich.
I fail to see how this country improved under thatcher either economically or in terms of the (harder to measure) social costs that her grasping, aspirational agenda inflicted.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:45, archived)
# what did she do
other than privatise national institutions for short-term gain and engineer an avoidable war prior to an election that the tories would clearly have lost were it not for the fervour and national pride created by that avoidable war?
I did very well out of the Thatcher years but not as a result of her policies, more as a result of the city dissociating itself from the previous socialist attitudes and adopting, wholesale, the US capitalist idiom. Thatcher did not create that situation. She just oversaw a government who happened to be in power when the city decided to change.
What about the asset-stripping of the NHS, the effects of which we are still feeling? What about the forced labour of our youth into YTS schemes that did nothing other than manufacture false numbers for the unemployment charts?
What about allowing Britain to be ruled from the EU against the wishes of the populace? An act of pig-headedness that saw the end if agriculture and fishing in the UK.
Thatcher did nothing during her term other than make the plight of the poorer-off worse.
The tories had no vision during the Thatcher years, all they did was to copy wholesale, the "hard economics" policy of Reagan's USA. The Uk suffered for this.

But in the spirit of the 80's I can say that I made a shit-ton of money from the sale of public assets and as I'm all right jack, fuck the poor.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:38, archived)
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:43, archived)
# nobody wants to take me on today.
I need a good argument when I am sporting such a spectacular hangover.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:01, archived)
# I'm up for a flame war, if you like.
You rancid syphilitic jizz-stain!
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:05, archived)
# That's not a flame-war.
it's just puerile insults in lieu of any actual, rational argument. You goat-fucking camel-rapist.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:12, archived)
# To hell with rational argument!
You shit-encrusted hairy anus.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:53, archived)
# A tradition New Labour have proudly continued
(apart from poll tax, but take your pick of many other unpopular taxes)
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:47, archived)
# If by ability you mean what a Consummate Bitch she was then I agree
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:12, archived)