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Oct 2008 «
b3ta Mario Kart multiplayer funtimes AGAIN
Same as last time, lots of b3tans playing Mario Kart Wii against each other for SUPER HAPPY FUN TIME
Friend codes from the last time are in here b3ta.com/calendar/event/16573
If you'd like to join in, post your friend code here and add everyone else (anyone could start the room, so if you don't have them as a friend, you won't get in)
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 21:50,
More swearing loudly at the telly
I'll get you this time
Hankster, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 21:54,
You and your bloody motorbike
always wanting to play the tracks with the big long straights.
SpoonMeiser, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 22:30,
If I'm not at work, I'm game for a game.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 22:06,
It can be changed
Monday was just a random time when I thought most folk would be available
How does everyone feel about Tuesday then?
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Sat 11 Oct 2008, 22:13,
I'm in if I can be bothered adding all your codes before monday.
Ttssattsr, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 19:29,
Well bugger me
This is tonight since I forgot to change it to Tuesday
Oh well, I shall be there this evening
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 17:06,
I'm in
Hankster, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 18:39,
You got lucky
Hankster, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:18,
ok my code is 0430-8468-9550
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 19:52,
Hankster, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 19:56,
I noticed.
I now know your real name
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 19:57,
It's not a secret
Hankster, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:04,
Yeah but I didn't know it before tonight.
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:56,
Well hurry up then
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:01,
Problems connecting
Hankster, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:04,
You made it in...i thought I was starting without you :)
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:07,
We need an "I need a piss" button
Hankster, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:50,
I'll wait a few minutes
Edit: oh and I bet you were calling me a cunt a few times there as well, what with the cloud and that bomb right at the end hehehe
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:01,
once again I have apologised to my lovely lodger for my language
Hankster, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:54,
I'm starting a room, i'll keep checking this throughout though so gaz or post on here if you want to join in
Remember though, we both need to have added each others friends codes, so leave yours here and add me on yours (mine is 1418-9596-3367)
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 19:59,
That first round was fun, anyone else that wants to join, Gaz me and we'll wait for you before starting each set of 4 races
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:20,
Spoonmeiser/Oli is telling me off for yelling at the TV too much.
mickymae the other half of Spoonmeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:36,
Tell him to stop being a nonsense
Mario Kart is designed to make people shout
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 20:46,
He conceeds
*but notice how the girlfriend is better than him at MarioKart?*
mickymae the other half of Spoonmeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:01,
Shut up, you.
SpoonMeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:10,
You two lose connection?
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:11,
Yeah, Micky had to leave the game for a moment
and I think that was interpreted as us losing connection.
Still, at least is saved me the embarrassment of how bad I was doing that track.
We're ready to join again now.
SpoonMeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:15,
just finished
we'll wait for you
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:18,
But the language she was using!
Seriously, it made me drop my monocle.
SpoonMeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:11,
*looks around* me?
I was just shouting abuse at Elusive and Suzibabe. It didn't affect him at all.
mickymae the other half of Spoonmeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:17,
1 point!
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:35,
*shakes angry fist*
I think we need a league table.
mickymae the other half of Spoonmeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:35,
I'll get you next time!
*yelling explitives at the TV*
mickymae the other half of Spoonmeiser, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:52,
I thought you might be with that last minute overtake
twas good fun as always all, we shall arrange another :)
elusive I'm not really here. You're imagining me, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:55,
My wife suzibabe had a shout at the dog.
He pulled the gamecube controller wire and caused her to miss out winning one of the grand prixs
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 21:59,
Oct 2008 «