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» Jan 2009 «

Do you have a Wii?
Do you have Mario Kart for your Wii?
Do you have internets?
If you answered yes to all these questions, then you could play Mario Kart on your Wii on your internets! Even can play against b3tans!
There should be a few new faces since some people got it all for Christmas as well, so here's how it works again:
I usually start the rooms, so what you need first of all is my friend code: 1418-9596-3367
I also need your friend code though, you get this from inside the game, not from your Wii menu. Once you have it, reply in here with it.
When we start playing, it goes in 4 race blocks, so if you miss the start, you have to wait for the next block, but I won't start the next block without checking here first, so reply in here or gaz me if you want to join in next time round and we'll wait for you.
You can also swear lots at other people in here as it's going on to save the other boards getting annoyed at us (most swearing is done at the telly though)
If you'd like to play other b3tans at other times or if someone else was to start the room though, you'll need (some of) these:
baldmonkey: 4940-8048-1845
broadsword: 0474-0127-7797
Hankster: 1891 4025 3542
milknosugar: 4511-3650-4026
Mrs Sp@m: 3351 4761 2648
negative armadillo: 4382-5487-2308
Noit: 0216 0983 4050
Pickle Fairy: 0431-0100-0584
Spoonmeiser: 1934-1533-1493
Wildheart baby: 0430-8468-9550
Again though, they'll need your code to see you, so popping it on here is the easiest way to get it to everyone.
Enough with the business stuff though...I shall win. you shall all lose. the end.
The internets
b3ta Mario Kart Wii time again
Going: elusive, baldmonkey, Hankster, Dave Trouser, Cleisthenes, JessAction, SpoonMeiser, negative armadillo (8 people).

I will throw my toys out of the pram after half an hour because I keep on losing
( , Fri 16 Jan 2009, 13:24, Reply)

( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 19:55, Reply)

Edited. The 6 and 7 were the wrong way round.
( , Sat 17 Jan 2009, 23:27, Reply)

And I've only just the time. Right, I'll get to the bottom of this friend code business before next time.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 20:57, Reply)

Room is up and I'm waiting...
usual rules, if it says we're playing/you can't join, gaz or reply here and we'll wait for you next time
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 19:51, Reply)

Looks like no one else yet :(
Think Dave T mentioned something about Mrs Dave T playing though, which may be why he has disappeared
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 20:15, Reply)

have a good one!
Looks like everyone else was too shit to bother. The shitties.
( , Thu 22 Jan 2009, 20:33, Reply)
» Jan 2009 «