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» Nov 2011 «

I would propose a Hull bash

but I think there's only me and 2 others, and one of those is batshitmentalist, and she lives in California now.

Unless there are more of you in Hull and would rather just not admit it.

(, Fri 25 Mar 2011, 13:03, Reply)
A tuesday is a silly day for a Hull bash.

No Spiders.

(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 22:49, Reply)
It was just a token entry date

Just to see if there was anybody apart from myself in Hull.

(, Sun 3 Apr 2011, 0:50, Reply)
Just have to point out that many regular b3tans are London-based, so as far as they're concerned anywhere in the UK that isn't London may as well be in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

(, Tue 12 Apr 2011, 22:35, Reply)
I live in leeds now,

But will happily attend the bash

(, Thu 14 Apr 2011, 20:05, Reply)
I was born in Hull

does that count?

(, Sat 28 May 2011, 9:25, Reply)
Close, but no cigar...

I'm another one in Leeds.

(, Wed 29 Jun 2011, 16:42, Reply)
Bit Far for Me.....

Live in Sydney Now......

(, Sat 2 Jul 2011, 11:16, Reply)
I had completely and utterly forgotten all about this.

Those who have elected to go, are you likely to show up?

(, Sat 15 Oct 2011, 20:52, Reply)
if you ignore those who sign up for everything as some kind of mysterious amusement value

then it's anywhere between 20% to 80% depending on if folks are REAL LIFE BUDDIES...

(, Mon 17 Oct 2011, 18:19, Reply)

» Nov 2011 «