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» Mar 2006 «

b3ta Xbox Night

Its time for more b3ta gaming - but what shall we play?

If you want to play something else, post it below.

Send your friend request to Mr Gimpson or post your gamertag below

Wed 8 Mar 2006, 20:00

Xbox Live - vote for a game

b3ta Xbox Night

Going: Mr Gimpson, Fish, (2 people).

(, Tue 21 Feb 2006, 11:45, Reply)
Looks like you'll be playing on your own, mate.

(, Tue 21 Feb 2006, 12:31, Reply)

(, Wed 22 Feb 2006, 9:35, Reply)
Yay for me this will be my birthday

So I may play seeing as there is this which say be combining with my birthday celebrations.

(, Thu 23 Feb 2006, 21:49, Reply)

www.5punk.co.uk for all you b3ta gaming needs....
(, Sun 26 Feb 2006, 3:15, Reply)
halo 2


(, Sun 5 Mar 2006, 0:04, Reply)
If it helps i can give you a code for a two month free trial

(, Mon 6 Mar 2006, 9:52, Reply)
Someone tell me

how xbox live works please - I would like to increase geek points!

I have an xbox
and broadband (2.2mb)
and a router
can I do it wirelessly cos router upstairs xbox downstairs?
email address in profile.

(, Mon 6 Mar 2006, 11:50, Reply)
not sure about that

I tend to use a massive piece of ethernet cable

(, Mon 6 Mar 2006, 12:26, Reply)
You can get a bit of wireless kit,

I believe. No idea how expensive it is though.

(, Mon 6 Mar 2006, 15:19, Reply)

I can't do this know as my modem I use with the Xbox has decided to die.

I hate BT

(, Mon 6 Mar 2006, 21:06, Reply)

» Mar 2006 «