b3ta.com challenge: reborn as porn
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This is a challengeReborn as Porn (This challenge is now closed)

reborn as porn

Take existing films, books, video games, whatever and remake them as porn movies. Those naughty porny-people have been doing this, badly, for years. Show them how to do it properly. Please keep the covers Safe For Work*. Stuff that we could happily sell in Woolworths - assuming we still had a woolworths. *this is where the challenge lies thanks to spakmitten for the suggestion

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 13:57)
Pages: 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the latest posts)
# too subtle?

...hmmmm not sure what went wrong there as it wasnt graphic or anythin??? Oh well the revised version may work... (Im useless at all this technical linky stuff)!

(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 15:48, More)
# It's number 2 in Brazil

(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 15:02, More)
# I just can't stop myself now,

not strictly reborn as it's not yet made but this will probably be just comment...

Original: bengoshisan.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/robocop.jpg
(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 14:29, More)
# Meh....

(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 12:39, More)
# Do we get extra points for anagrams?

(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 12:12, More)
# Specialist Scat Movie?...

Click for bigger (54 kb)

(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 9:45, More)
# Another.

Down to the last few from the bunch from yesterday.
(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 1:06, More)
# And the same again. With norks covered as they are very norkish on the original.

(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 0:15, More)
# 'Ning.

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 21:41, More)
# Droogs

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 21:15, More)
# get your spunk on!

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 19:41, More)
# hm

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 18:51, More)
# swearing, crude magenta cock, am I doing it right?

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 13:03, More)
# Surely Bassey?

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 11:03, More)
# She came to a sticky end

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 8:30, More)
# Everyone loves pie.

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 5:55, More)
# Fuck it , i'll pea this here then
i'll pea this here thenBEASTIES

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 5:32, More)
# Was going to put this one with another I'll post in a moment.

But it works better as a reply to your one.
(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 1:41, More)

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 1:34, More)
# Naughty Horton!

(, Mon 5 Oct 2009, 0:16, More)
Pages: 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the latest posts)