I've generally found their stuff to be fairly sturdy and well made
they commission their own designs, and do their own product testing which is at a more rigorous standard than most other furniture manufactures. But if you want to compare it favourably to argos, who buy in a selection of abysmally crap products from various anonymous east asian manufacturer brands to sell in their stores, I'll know how much stock to put in your opinion in the future
cumquat may will not be commenting further on the allegations, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 10:59,
Argos furniture is terrible.
$$ ✅, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 11:08,
with its 'laminated book of dreams' /Bill Bailey
robneymcplum spiced up his life on, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 11:10,
I've never bought anything from Argos which is fit for purpose.
Fray Brentos *mega-belms*, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 12:36,
Their pens are quite good
and within your budget...
robneymcplum spiced up his life on, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 14:58,
Yes, my chest of drawers is still going strong after 20 years of daily opening, closing and over-stuffing with T-shirts.
Plus they once did a table lamp called 'Uns', which made me laugh.
fred zeppelin II: Electric Boogaloo, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 11:20,
I have a bottle of oil for my chopping board
called Skydd.
wheresthefish Partly filled with wrong, Mon 28 Apr 2014, 11:59,