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This is a link post Laura Kuenssberg booed by Labour supporters during Corbyn speech
Sorry about all the politics recently
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 13:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post they booed her for 7 seconds, the monsters

(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hardly a savaging

(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post He says whether his message gets across to voters is up to the press.
I have no idea who this Jeremy guy is, but that is a little cheesy. Obama's the only politician I know who has been cozy with the press, the rest have to work for it - except Hillary, she just never holds press conferences.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't see the booing and hissing from a bunch of Corbyn fanboys and fangirls a big deal.
What is more significant is the amused smirk on his boat before he hushes them, and the huge broad grin on his media handler's face.
Some quotes form the great man himself from September last year:
Jeremy Corbyn has called for an end to "personal abuse".
My Corbyn urged delegates to "treat people with respect" and said there would be "no rudeness from me".
"Cut out the personal abuse, cut out the cyber-bullying and especially the misogynistic abuse online and let's get on with bringing real values back into politics".
Unless your name is Laura Kuenssberg apparently.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Her animus against him and the current Labour party is pretty clear
But all this "biased BBC" screeching from Momentum and the young Corbynistas is just paranoid nonsense
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't believe that she harbours animus against him and Labour.
I think she is a good journalist who likes to hold politicians, on all sides, to account. I don't think a male journalist behaving similarly would be treated with such open contempt and hostility.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post I don't see the bias myself, as I think Corbyn is a total bloody shambles
So probs confirmation bias on my part, eh?
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 15:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^^This.
Yup, she's clearly got beef with him, but to call it "BBC bias" is trite.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well, I've got a beef for her, right here! Fnar, fnar.

(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 15:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post I really don't think this is true.
The Corbynista hatred stems from her recent coverage of the local council elections. She said that for an opposition party facing the Tories, in charge of a stuttering economy, and fractured over Europe, they didn't do very well and should have hoped to do better in relative terms (i.e. compared to former opposition parties in similar circumstances in the past.) Labour did increase their popular vote, but their net gains in terms of councillors was disappointing. Corbyn himself said they "hung on". So when Kuenssberg said the performance was poor, which on balance it was, a petition was started to get her sacked which descended into some nasty misogyny on Twitter. So much so the organisers of the petition withdrew it. My feeling is all the beef is coming from Labour and is directed at anyone who doesn't trot out what ever it is their propaganda machine dictates.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 15:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post disregard his politics for a second, he's FUCKING USELESS.
That's what this 'animus' is all about. She's amazed that Labour are sleepwalking into oblivion
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 22:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post I recall both John Major and Gordon Brown being called fucking useless before they were PM.
Everyone forgets how anonymous, useless and unlikely everyone thought Dave was before he was PM too. I think Tony Blair has been the only PM in recent memory who looked a shoe-in.
(, Fri 3 Jun 2016, 11:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't you think it is a slight unconscious collective bias though?
Yesterday Corbyn and the Union EURef comment (which is all to do with Dave the Tory Party and the government) was headline news on the BBC. Yet the news that Dave's policy adviser was convicted of having indecent images of kids got barely a mention. Would it really be that way if it were the other way around?
(, Fri 3 Jun 2016, 10:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post they're fucked at the next election, absolutely fucked

(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 22:48, , Reply)