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This is a normal post You're a sick puppy
I'd hate to live inside your head, hating your fellow man so much that you think they don't deserve a say. Perhaps you'd be happier back in the days when only the elite had a vote. You are not arguing about policies. You are arguing that democracy is bad because it doesn't always produce the result that is 'right'.

My god. Someone please pull this guy to one side.
(, Wed 15 Jun 2016, 22:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post You don't seem to understand how modern democracy works
We elect people to make educated decisions for us. We elect them on policy. We vote them out if they're shite.

There's a reason for why that is. Because, yes, most 'fellow men' simply aren't qualified to make these decisions. Unitiated in the finer workings of international trade relationships, they might well not have the country's best interests in mind. His inexperienced leanings toward populist policy might well be very damaging for the country.

Do I hate my fellow man? No. But do I trust my fellow man with absolutely no experience of global economics to make a decision that's best for the country? No. Of course not. I trust those with experience. And I would imagine most other sensible folk would reveal a wish for the the same, sensible approach to democracy.

It's the only check there is against dangerous populism. The fact that 'democracy' isn't actually as democratic as it perhaps could be. And rightly so.
(, Wed 15 Jun 2016, 22:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post .
What doesn't add up to me with the increased democracy argument is that if we want to export to european countries then we'll still have to obey an awful lot of their laws. If we set our own standards (and most of EU laws are about trading standards), that would just make things far harder to export and import, so it would be ridiculous not to just copy the EU on them.

At the moment, we send MEPs to debate for us. If we send Nigel Farage and he doesn't attend any meetings, then we have the power to elect someone else. As such, we have some say in how things are run.

If we leave, we'll have absolutely no say in what those laws are. That seems like a loss of power to me, not increased democracy.

Outside immigration, people who aren't cunts making the soveriegnty argument don't seem to be giving many examples of laws that they want changing. Even then, I suspect only a minority know what the options are on immigration within or outside the EU (and that's not a "the plebs don't know" comment - I don't know myself).

UKIP have been clear that they want to scrap things like maternity pay, sick pay and holiday pay - and so it at least does make sense that you'd need to get out of the EU if you want that kind of thing.
(, Thu 16 Jun 2016, 10:29, , Reply)