someone was telling me her boy had wanted to call their kitten Battleship or Terminator but she had said no and enforced the name Colin.
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:31, Reply)

just so i could nick name him noobie... it then got shortend further to noob, and then simply nob... which suits him quite well if you ask me
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:39, Reply)

though it's not far from Anus, which is less good
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:49, Reply)

which was awesome. Although their kids renamed it 'Maow' as they had trouble pronouncing his full name.
He once woke up another one of my friends by depositing a Cleavland steamer on his chest.
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:53, Reply)

I'm going to have to get a cat, but it seems I have some thinking to do about the name. I'm thinking either Unicron, Panthro, Dangermouse, Skeletor or Brian.
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 15:59, Reply)

but calling a cat dangermouse might give it some psychological issues
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:36, Reply)

Unicron Panthro Dangermouse Skeletor Brian
has a sort of a ring to it...
( , Sun 18 Jul 2010, 6:58, Reply)

we named our beautiful fluffball Mao too. You see (clears throat in intelligent way)"mao" in Mandarin pronounced with the up then down tone means cat. So, you know, technically its correct...
( , Sun 11 Jul 2010, 14:08, Reply)

to fit with an egyptian theme.
i dont actually think she's ever been called that since we got her, its usually Icy, icy-ice, girl cat, lady cat, icy-girl or "the good one"
even the vets mess it up and almost always say Iris...
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:00, Reply)

to have such a regal name and then get called iris by the vet
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:37, Reply)

Colin is still pretty good - its better than tiddles or fluffy or some other shite.
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:00, Reply)

there was:
and Gavin
and they all had 2 or 3 nicknames each...
( , Wed 7 Jul 2010, 16:05, Reply)

I have cats called
Scud Missile
Various kittens with names such as Dennis, Thunder, Lightning, Monk, Flail, Sooty (a ginger), and a few without names, but with any luck they'll be going soon and we'll be left with just our original 7
( , Fri 9 Jul 2010, 10:44, Reply)

Our cats are called Milly, Button and Lewis Twilight(not with us yet, he's too little). Milly and Button are Tortoiseshells and Lewis Twilight is a black Sphynx.
My sister has a Bengal called Jesus and a ginger moggy called Martin - a.k.a Big Fat Martin. She also has 2 Maine Coons called Crystal and Wolf...and she's adopted next door's tabby, Brian.
( , Fri 9 Jul 2010, 16:43, Reply)

My cats are called Jasper and Jorg Albertz Jr.
The next one will be called Reinhard Heydrich Jr.
My friend's kitten is called Sparkplug which is a great name.
( , Fri 9 Jul 2010, 21:10, Reply)