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This is a link post simple chart of EU exit options
thought this was an interesting breakdown of the legal routes should we vote for Brexit.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 10:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Here are the options
1. Give a fuck and become a boring cunt
2. Don't give a fuck
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 10:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Interesting
1a) Decided by a simple majority, but not legally binding
1b) Government must invoke Article 50 and pass legislation
This was news to me. Parliment can still block this? What about the devolved parliaments? Can't see Scotland agreeing.

2)"Article 50 triggers a two year negotiation between the 27 Member States and the EU Commission which is then passed to EU Parliament to ratify"
First thing we need to do is have a general election and get rid of all the useless gobshites that are under the belief we can't negotiate a good deal then.

3a) Possible “OUT” outcomes
the UK is the worlds 5th biggest economy when negotiating a deal we'll have more clout than:
-Norway (28th)
-Switzerland (19th)
-Canada (10th)
-Turkey (18th)

3b) "Still have to be bound by EU laws"
I see this banded about a lot and would like some clarification here.
Is it the case that all these countries that have trade deals have to obey EU law? Really? Because if that's the case Turkeys been breaking a few of them.

3c) "Still have to allow free movement of people"
Yeah.... Switzerland*.
You are indeed free to move to Switzerland to work.
For 3 months, then you have to apply for a residence permit.
To get this permit you must prove you are self sustaining, can afford rent etc.
Also if you apply for welfare benefits, you will lose your right to remain in Switzerland.

*Unless you're Croatian.

4)"No say in shaping the laws"
Fair enough, I wouldn't expect to have one the same I don't have a say in shaping laws in the US. We still trade with them though.

See it's all a little more complicated that a simple chart created by someone that's got an interest in things staying the same.

Now in the interest of fairness I need to pay for the above to be translated into the 24 official languages of the EU and form a working committee to discuss.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 11:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post UKIP fans have got their knickers in such a twist over this EU thingy.
They really only care about kicking out the forrins.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 11:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post their y-fronts, shirley?

(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 11:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post You're just scared of leaving because then the Scots might leave us.
You love the Scots you do.
(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 12:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post How would Scottish Independence affect our standing as the fifth largest economy?

(, Sun 12 Jun 2016, 21:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post We would move up to 4th!

(, Mon 13 Jun 2016, 8:48, , Reply)