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Home » Question of the Week » Abusing freebies » Post 98636 | Search
This is a question Abusing freebies

A friend of mine recently attended a 'Champaign Lunch', where he was compelled drink as much fizzy stuff as he could between the first and last courses. In an ideal world we'd ask restaurant staff to tell us stories about fatties stuffing themselves at All You Can Eat places, but we recognise that our members don't all work in the catering trade, so for the rest of you - tell us something about abusing freebies. BTW: Bee puns = you fail.

(, Thu 8 Nov 2007, 14:16)
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Emphasis on the 'abusing'-
I think I've mentioned before that I used to have these 'small business' meetings with some friends in an attempt to get one up and running (still hasn't happened). We used to conduct these at the house of a friend--before we ousted him from the whole project anyway. We'll call him S.

Being a nice kind of guy, he'd make dinner for us when we were over--usually easy things like pasta, sometimes burgers. One of my other friends (B for short)--'asshole' is an understatement. He takes a little getting used to. S was (and probably still is) very proud of his skills in the kitchen, and would usually emerge with a gleeful grin and cries of 'check this out, you'll love it, bet you've never had anything this good before, eh'.

So of course, he'd go around asking us all what we thought of his latest genius creation.

S: How's the food?
B: Tastes like shit.
All: *Polite laughter.*

"Thanks," says S sarcastically, oh, very funny, listen to him saying the opposite of what he means...cute, really. This goes on for a few months. Meeting, food, and insults all.

Fast forward a bit. We've since told S to get lost, as we no longer need him (trust me, it was justified--but it's a more boring story and neither here nor there). I'm standing outside with B, having a leisurely smoke.

Me: Can you believe that, good riddance, etc etc. So, what did you really think of his cooking then?
B: It tasted like shit. No seasoning.


Yes, apologies for length. I know I'm nowhere near as good or funny a raconteur as some-who-shall-not-be-mentioned-lest-I-be-accused-of-brownnosing...still, A for effort?
(, Fri 9 Nov 2007, 18:18, 2 replies)
Never apologise
Never surrender! I enjoyed it anyway.

I knew a guy in Tokyo who was a lot like B, just said what he thought without varnish. I liked him actually... a blunt, but trustworthy guy.
(, Fri 9 Nov 2007, 21:01, closed)
Thanks, and yes, he's very refeshing like that.
(, Sun 11 Nov 2007, 16:30, closed)

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