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This is a question Abusing freebies

A friend of mine recently attended a 'Champaign Lunch', where he was compelled drink as much fizzy stuff as he could between the first and last courses. In an ideal world we'd ask restaurant staff to tell us stories about fatties stuffing themselves at All You Can Eat places, but we recognise that our members don't all work in the catering trade, so for the rest of you - tell us something about abusing freebies. BTW: Bee puns = you fail.

(, Thu 8 Nov 2007, 14:16)
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Rubbish cans full of trade show shit
I worked for a company that exhibited at the National Plastics Exposition in Chicago in 1991. The German firm Kraus-Maffei had a huge injection molding machine running, stamping out 35 gallon rubbish cans. People, being whores for free shit, would take a can, then walk the rest of the show filling the can up with shit from all the other exhibitors. When I got to the airport the last day of the show there were about 50 of these cans of trade show trinkets lined up along the wall. See, Kraus-Maffei made cans, but no lids...so the greedy fucks that took all the trade show trinkets couldn't take the crap home on the airplane.
(, Fri 9 Nov 2007, 19:17, Reply)

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