I once invented a brilliant game - I'd sit at the top of the stairs and throw cat biscuits to the bottom. My cat would eat them, then I'd shake the box, and he would run up the stairs for more biscuits. Then - of course - I'd throw a biscuit back down to the bottom. I kept this going for about half an hour, amused at my little game, and all was fine until the cat vomited. I felt absolutely dreadful.
Have you accidentally been cruel to an animal?
This question has been revived from way, way, way back on the b3ta messageboard when it was all fields round here.
( , Thu 6 Dec 2007, 11:13)
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A few years ago I thought I might like to get into animals, so I volunteered to help out at the local zoo. The consequences were dire for the animal kingdom.
My first job was to feed the pandas, Bing-Bing and Cha-Cha, one of the few mating couples in the west. So I gathered together a big bundle of bamboo, tied it with twine and left it outside their cave. By lunchtime they hadn't eaten any of it, so I grabbed the bundle and tossed into the cave. A day or two later, I arrived at work to see a camera crew gathered outside the cave and much agitation among my superiors. Apparently, some fool has tossed a bundle of bamboo into the cave just as Bing-Bing was going to mount Cha-Cha. The male had been concussed, then Cha-Cha had eaten the twine and choked to death.
Suspicion fell upon me and I was sent to work with something less responsible - the insects. It was a dull exhibit really, just a bunch of flies and spiders and butterflies and stuff. It was always sweltering hot in there and I was so uncomfortable that eventually I had to turn the thermostat down. Fortunately, feeding them was simple: they seemed to be self-sufficient. The spiders ate the occasional fly, the butterflies ate droplets of water or whatever and the stick insects ate bits of bark. Or so I presumed. Next morning, they'd all frozen to death because some fool had turned the heating off.
The finger of suspicion fell upon me and I was given the job of mucking out the elephants. This entailed shovelling great pats of shite into a wheelbarrow and taking it to the compost heap about a mile away. That seemed too much like hard work for me, so I just slung the stuff over the fence enclosing the elephants. Job done. Until I discovered the next morning that some fool had emptied a couple of hundred kilograms of elephant shite into the koi carp pond, killing all the fish.
That zoo was doomed from the start.
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 9:51, 8 replies)

Made that up!
But don't see people jumping down your throat.
Infamy! Infamy!
They've all got it infamy
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 9:56, closed)

You're just too famous - you have enemies. I think people pity my delusional state and are kinder.
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 10:11, closed)

And I took over from him...
My first job was to humanely dispose of all the fish Frank had killed.
“Fuck this for a lark” I thought…I just threw the buggers into Leo the lion’s cage. The next day I checked, and lo and behold, they were all gone. Result.
For my next task, I was sent to work cleaning out the chimpanzees.
Well that looked like a bit of a mucky job, and I couldn’t really be arsed, so I just sprayed the floor with water. Covered the place.
Wouldn’t you know it? 2 of the bloody chimps climbed down from their frame, slipped on the water and brokes their backs. Stone.fucking.dead. Shit.
Well, as you can imagine I was a bit worried about getting into trouble, so remembering Frankspencer’s advice, I threw the bodies into the lions’ cage.
Next day I checked…and they were gone. Get in there.
For my next job, I was also sent to the insects exhibit. Particularly the bee hives. Well, in my full protective gear I started to approach the bees but something must’ve spooked ‘em pretty bad, because they all came flying out and attacked me! The bastards!
So I grabbed the nearest thing that came to hand…a shovel actually…and started swatting the buzzing fuckers for all I was worth. Before I knew what was happening, I was standing in a pile of bees…all squashed to buggery. Oh crap.
Well, I did the only honourable thing…I scraped them all into a wheelbarrow and chucked the bodies into Leo’s cage. Checked next day…Bees gone…Job done.
The day after that, I had to take a delivery of a new Lion. As it was being led into the cage I saw it approach Leo and I’m sure I heard something like:
New Lion: “Hello, What’s your name?”
Leo: “Leo”
New Lion: “Well Leo, nice to meet you. Do they treat you alright here? What’s the diet like?”
Leo: “Ah, it’s not too bad, for the last three days I’ve had fish, chimps and mushy bees!”
*baddum tish*
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 10:23, closed)

I salute you. You must do less work than anyone else in the UK.
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 10:30, closed)

Frank and Pooflake.
My keyboard has just been showered with crisp crumbs.
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 12:19, closed)

No matter what you do, no matter what you write, there'll always be a place in my heart for you just for one story, one line.
Frank gets it - the rest of you can Google it.
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 12:33, closed)

You're a pair of gits...
'ENJOY THIS STORY'??? I'm supposed to be leaving work in 2 minutes and I can't stand up now 'cos of the stonk on!
So now i'm going to have to sit here and gurn (on unpaid overtime) while my gargantuan stiffie subsides...
1 minute to go and no sign yet...
( , Fri 7 Dec 2007, 12:58, closed)
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