Anything For Money
How low have you sunk to earn a few quid? Have you ever been paid a tenner by a stranger in the street to crap in a jar? Me neither. Tell us about the depraved or humiliating lengths you've gone to in order to raise cash.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 15:35)
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Rob Fairholme's wife married him for his inheritance.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 20:20,
21 replies)
No-one will ever marry you, for any reason.
Except, possibly, if she has the perfect storm of blindness, deafness, mental retardation, and a definite masochistic streak.
And she'd still rather have Ringo.
RingoRules554, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 20:55,
Now, I'm unsure what to say in response to this.
1. Dozer is a complete prick.
2. So is Ringo, therefore any sock account "supporting" him must also be a prick.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 20:57,
Ringo's prettier.
RingoRules554, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 20:59,
oh boy
I hope this week turns into yet another mass bullying of the weedy little paedo greaseball
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 21:09,
in all the important ways
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 21:34,
Cyberbullying may be actionable. Remember:

RingoRules554, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 21:25,
i like that a discussion around the sexual proclivities of Robert Fairholme, 41,
of Perth, Western Australia will remain forever carved into the internet.
tl:dr - sob carehome masturbates over pictures of children.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 22:20,
You're just jealous.
Jealous that those big, capable hands will never brush against your cold and clammy flesh with the soft touch of a lover. And like a spoiled child, you want to break what you can't have.
RingoRules554, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 22:31,
brb, suicide.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 22:33,
Like Juliette to his Romeo.
RingoRules554, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 22:37,
Is that dog years?
Albert Marshmallow is a completely irredeemable cunt, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 23:10,
oh, you.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Fri 11 Jul 2014, 8:26,
bampersand already, sad times
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Fri 11 Jul 2014, 14:37,
I thought she married him for his 44,000 litre saltwater pool as her body is unable to support its own weight unless it is suspended in water?
2 Can Chunder Word to your mums, I came to prod bums, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 23:42,
You're thinking of Badger's wife
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 11 Jul 2014, 7:16,
^ hates women
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Fri 11 Jul 2014, 10:56,
Who doesn't?
What with their Bella magazines, epilators, Bodyform adverts and standing on chairs in fear at the sight of mice.
Flipping idiots.
Andrew Avetoom, Fri 11 Jul 2014, 11:40,
Generally I don't hate anyone, but I'm willing to make exceptions
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 11 Jul 2014, 12:29,
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