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Home » Question of the Week » Anything For Money » Post 2325236 | Search
This is a question Anything For Money

How low have you sunk to earn a few quid? Have you ever been paid a tenner by a stranger in the street to crap in a jar? Me neither. Tell us about the depraved or humiliating lengths you've gone to in order to raise cash.

(, Thu 10 Jul 2014, 15:35)
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In exchange for cash
I regularly get spit on, clean up human vomit and/or turds, break up fights between drunks, homeless people and teenagers, I also...

Wait, this is just my normal job, can I submit this? Sod it.
(, Tue 15 Jul 2014, 21:48, 14 replies)
you work in the City?

(, Tue 15 Jul 2014, 22:08, closed)
You're the Chief Whip and Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury?

(, Tue 15 Jul 2014, 22:38, closed)

(, Tue 15 Jul 2014, 22:54, closed)
You're a lollipop lady?

(, Tue 15 Jul 2014, 23:03, closed)

(, Tue 15 Jul 2014, 23:33, closed)
I'm a
Human spit bucket-cum-turd picker-cum-hobo fight organiser.

Sorry, thought that was clear.
(, Tue 15 Jul 2014, 23:45, closed)
You're Cliff Richard?

(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 7:25, closed)

And my cover is blown...
(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 8:05, closed)
An average night out for me, although not so much on the breaking up fights.

(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 7:56, closed)
I heard you break up fights just by flashing them your massive wang and humiliating them back into line.

(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 8:10, closed)
I save my massive wang for the raping (commonly called, sausaging) of the stag when he is tied to lamp post by his stag party crew.

(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 11:21, closed)
It's the only way they'll learn.

(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 11:25, closed)
The acceptable term is 'sausage'.

(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 11:25, closed)
quite right, edited accordingly.

(, Wed 16 Jul 2014, 11:47, closed)

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