Dazbrilliantwhites asks: You've had them and maybe even have been one. Or maybe you were once babysat by someone who is now a notorious serial killer. Tell us your stories.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 28 Oct 2010, 12:15)
I've been collecting Indian musical instruments for several years.
One day I left two stringed gourds alone in a room overnight, and of course one thing led to another.
Nine months later we were blessed with the arrival of a baby sitar.
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Thu 28 Oct 2010, 12:28,
4 replies)
get ouuuuuuuuuut.
Poppet some assembly required., Thu 28 Oct 2010, 12:29,
I think the appropriate reponse is...
Sir Itchalot has a very self-referential signature, Thu 28 Oct 2010, 13:14,
rofl harris, Thu 28 Oct 2010, 15:34,
idonthaveafunnynickname Drink-Aware? Sure. I'm aware I want another drink., Thu 28 Oct 2010, 18:49,