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This is a question Redundant technology

Music on vinyl records, mobile phones the size of house bricks and pornography printed on paper. What hideously out of date stuff do you still use?

Thanks to boozehound for the suggestion

(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 12:44)
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I still listen to my transistor radio but will not be able to for much longer as the analogue signals will be phased out in a couple of years. Not only will that make millions of perfectly functional radios useless, it will also cost me a fortune in batteries. The digital radio I bought, for areas where I can't pick up Test Match Special on LW, has a battery life of about 12 hours compared with the 6 months of regular usage I get from the old radio. Progress?
(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 18:37, 4 replies)
I like my FM radio
it's tuned into Radio 4 and it's had the same batteries for 10 years without going flat and best of all, it works as soon as I turn it on.

My digital one takes a few seconds to boot up and quite often it forgets all the channels as spends minutes retuning itself and I forget even why I wanted the radio on.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 18:50, closed)
I love my radio - listen to it as much as I can
Though it did confuse a younger colleague when referring to receiving some news via "the tranny in the office". She thought I shared work space with a cross-dresser.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 18:57, closed)
the analogue radio signals most probably won't be phased out as quick as the government wants

so you can carry on.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2010, 20:06, closed)
Are they actually planning to phase out analogue radio? I know the telly's gone, but surely not radio. How many car stereos will need to be changed just for some ponce in Westminster to have his way?
(, Sat 6 Nov 2010, 23:05, closed)

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