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This is a question Birthdays

My best birthday so far was my 30th, when I held a Polish Bear Hunting evening in some woods - everyone dressed up in hunting gear, ate a Polish hunting stew round a big fire and then, armed with torches, ran out to find the foil-wrapped chocolate bears I'd hidden in the trees.

My worst so far was my first at university - my birthday was the first official day of term, so I thought there'd be loads of people there to have fun with. No, Cambridge is so posh nobody actually turns up on the first night. I got very drunk with the barman.

What extremes of birthdays have you had?

(, Fri 9 Dec 2005, 11:07)
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Just remembered another one, when I was 6 I was due to have a big party, all my friends from my crappy little village school were coming, and my mum had prepared lots of jelly, sausage rolls, a cake, and everything else a 6 year-old could want for a party. About two hours before it was due to start, however, my best friend's mum called to say that my mate couldn't come, he had chicken pox. The phone went again, another mum saying her kid had the pox. The phone rang constantly for an hour or so, and it seemed pretty much every kid in the village had the pox and so couldn't come. The whole event looked like it was going to be a washout. Then my mum noticed the little red spots appearing on me...

She called everyone back and got them to send their kids anyway, since we were all infected it wouldn't make much difference. So my first ever themed party was a chicken pox party.

When everyone had gone at the end of the day, it was discovered that my older sister now had chicken pox, despite avoiding the party and all the infected kids. Result.
(, Fri 9 Dec 2005, 12:58, Reply)

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