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Home » Question of the Week » Birthdays » Post 45247 | Search
This is a question Birthdays

My best birthday so far was my 30th, when I held a Polish Bear Hunting evening in some woods - everyone dressed up in hunting gear, ate a Polish hunting stew round a big fire and then, armed with torches, ran out to find the foil-wrapped chocolate bears I'd hidden in the trees.

My worst so far was my first at university - my birthday was the first official day of term, so I thought there'd be loads of people there to have fun with. No, Cambridge is so posh nobody actually turns up on the first night. I got very drunk with the barman.

What extremes of birthdays have you had?

(, Fri 9 Dec 2005, 11:07)
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21st and 22nd
On my 21st, the night before, i ended up boffing a mates older (24yr) sister, which was pretty cool at the time. Queue a couple of hours later, meet my mates on my Bday, they're all gigging like kids. i'm thinking they know about the night before or something.

Get in the pub, an loads are like it. Next thing i know after a few beers and messing around, this huge bird waddles in, must be 25+ stone

Bastards have got me a grot-gram. long story short, kecks out window, too much baby oil, hernia, that sorta thing, it all passed of after a while. Never said a word about the night before.

Year later they were all so ashamed of the previous one, i was the first to get a 2nd stripper, this one tho was size 8 nurse type, cool. no boffing mates sisters that time tho, shame
(, Sat 10 Dec 2005, 9:55, Reply)

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