Bullshit and Bullshitters
We've had questions about lies and liars in the past, but this time we're asking about the sort of fantasist who constantly claims they've got a helicopter in the garden or was "second onto the balcony at the Iranian Embassy siege". Tell us about the cobblers you've been told, or the complete lies you've come out with.
Thanks to dozer for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 13 Jan 2011, 12:55)
"If you're a very good boy I'll organise a threesome for us..."
yeah yeah....not falling for that one again.
The Archduke of South London I'm in your Girlfriend eating her organs, Tue 18 Jan 2011, 15:15,
6 replies)
I wasn't bullshitting you dude.
... you just haven't been a good enough boy yet.
Humpty Dumpty was Pushed Is unaware of having any limits., Tue 18 Jan 2011, 15:23,
It's just been tricky trying to find a time slot when both the priest and the bishop are free.
Just be patient.
Reverend Fister "a disciplined fuckwit", Tue 18 Jan 2011, 16:04,
Well if your mum hadn't been so selfish as to be cremated ...
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 18 Jan 2011, 16:52,
and then it turns out
to be another bloke
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Tue 18 Jan 2011, 18:15,
You say that
like it's a bad thing.
.Yeti., Tue 18 Jan 2011, 18:44,
TWO blokes?
EDIT: Three even?
Chickenwire social lubricator extraordinaire, Tue 18 Jan 2011, 20:09,