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This is a question Celebrities part II

Five years ago, we asked if you've ever been rude to a celebrity, or have been on the receiving end of a Z-List TV chef's wrath. By popular demand, it's back - if you have beans, spill them.

(, Thu 8 Oct 2009, 13:33)
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Many years ago
My band had the good fortune to open for Napalm Death as the local support on their tour when it stopped in Portsmouth.

We'll skip past the smell of incredibly strong skunk emanating from their dressing room, ignore the fact that we spent most of the time hanging out with the tour support (Defenestration, who we were sharing a dressing room with, lovely people) and focus on my abiding memory of that evening, seeing as my band had an off day and were awful...

Minding our own business in the aforesaid dressing room, who should poke his head round the door than large and hirsute Napalm bass player Shane Embury!

He asked us if he could borrow a spoon. We were spoonless, sadly.

The end.
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 14:23, 12 replies)
Really nice guy he seemed
I met him at Damnation last year, and had a picture taken with him. I look a twat.
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 14:26, closed)

look am
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 14:31, closed)
Damn you with your smug true words!
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 14:36, closed)
He was nice
He was the only member of Napalm Death we actually spoke to. Not that the rest were arseholes or anything. I think, looking back on it, it may have been a shitty time for them. On a small label with little support, out on tour to half-empty venues, I'd be pretty moody in that situation. Although of course that didn't show when they played; they were immense :D
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 14:47, closed)
What's your band called then?
I've got a mate who wanted to support them, but had to pull out. That would have been in Liverpool, the band is called Neuroma.
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 14:58, closed)
This was in 2001
my band at the time were called Sticklebrick. In retrospect we probably should have changed our name when we moved from our rock/punk roots to a more metallic sound but we were stuck with it by that point.

I broke a string in the first song and didn't have spares so the rest of the set was very iffy. Plus we didn't manage to sell many tickets so we were in trouble with the promoter. So what should have been great was a bit crap tbh; hence why the 'spoon' thing sticks out as a highlight.
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 15:16, closed)
was he the big fat bassist who always wore a Cardiacs shirt?
I saw them at Salisbury Arts Centre once and someone called him a fat bastard. Off came the bass and the dude dove straight into the crowd and dished out a beating.
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 15:59, closed)
He's a big guy. Kind of like Hurley from Lost if he was a grizzled brummie...
(, Fri 9 Oct 2009, 16:55, closed)
Seen him ata few gigs in Brum. My Boss's husband sold him double glazing for his house a few years back. Nice bloke apparently.
(, Sun 11 Oct 2009, 8:12, closed)
Defenestration. Nice bunch of people, sadly all playing in local bands now. One of the guitar players is a bit of a Diva but the rest of them are lovely down to Earth lads (and lass).
(, Mon 12 Oct 2009, 16:36, closed)
Have their album in my glovebox! Gen Tasker was lovely :D

Thracia seem pretty good as well :)
(, Wed 14 Oct 2009, 12:30, closed)
Awesome story
I remember Defenestration (just about), weren't they pants though??? I've seen Napalm live twice and both times they were fucking amazing. Love that band!!
(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 14:08, closed)

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