I'm rubbish at cheating. I was asked to help run a stall at a local fair. We sold squares on a treasure map for 10p a go, with the one closest to the "hidden treasure" winning stuff.
I told my sister where it was. I'd not really thought through how obvious this would be. I've kind of avoided cheating since, what have you cheated at? Confess all, it'll make you feel better.
( , Thu 17 Nov 2005, 10:14)
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confession time then.
I am, I reckon, pretty intelligent. I could get As fairly easily at school. Which only made me more eager to see if teachers would spot teaching. These are a few:
Classics (it was a comprehensive) - Got high marks anyway as I preferred the stories to fairytales as a kid. Once kept my bag open in a test with lengthy notes in view. What I didn't know I garnered from my notes by affecting a nasty cough, bending over. Result: 100%. The only student ever to manage it in the subject. I got a prize.
French - Same deal, only this time a textbook in bag. 100% again. Only student to manage it in the year. A merit certificate. What else can I cheat at? Oh yes.
Maths - One of those fancy, boxed calculators, with cos and sin buttons etc.. I worked out that if you scored the inside plasticy-rubbery stuff with the sums and equations using a compass, the sums were only visible to you holding the calculator. However, if an examiner was coming you could push them down flat again with your fingernail, making it appear a clean, flat surface. I passed GCSE maths with that one.
Oh so many more.
But a special mention to my English Language tutor at college, who said my essays scored low and I'd have to REALLY push the boat out in exames not to fail the A level. Lying, cheating, devious bastard. He knew I wouldn't put the effort in otherwise - I got an A.
Above ^ just reminded me of people doing that to me. One occassion at A level, I knew nothing about it until a friend of mine noticed at the end of class another girl picking up my essay and putting it in her bag. Bless him, instead of telling me (I'd have just gone mental) he mentioned to the tutor that she may want to check her papers against mine, and what he'd just seen. Turned out she'd copied, almost verbatim, every essay I'd done that year. Silly behatch failed. ha.
Also, I finished a live graphics proposal early at uni and showed it to my tutors. I showed them the source material I'd used and my final proofs. Lovely, they said. I didn't notice the student standing behind me the whole time. End of year show, my friend points out the line-for-line, font, colours, er, everything-that-i-did that's hanging in his workspace. Theiving little SH**. It's ok, he failed that term because of it.
There's cheating, and then there's stealing. Oooh, it makes me mad.
I'm a hypocrite.
I know I've got a really good one in here, but I'll save it for when I can explain it snappily...
( , Thu 17 Nov 2005, 13:05, Reply)
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