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Freddy Woo writes, "My wife thinks calling the front room a lounge is common. Worse, a friend of hers recently admonished her daughter for calling a toilet, a toilet. Lavatory darling. It's lavatory."

My own mother refused to let me use the word 'oblong' instead of 'rectangle'. Which is just odd, to be honest.

What stuff do you think is common?

(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 16:06)
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"I'm going toilet.", or if you want the authentic version "I'm gaaawwing taaailat."

Phrase most often heard being said by Londoners. Common Londoners at that. I have no qualms with our cockneys and their brethren, given that half my family come from there. I just fucking hate that phrase. It makes no sense to anyone who has been vaguely trained in the use of the English language. It makes me die a little inside whenever I hear it, and I hear it a lot. (Fucking mental housemate of mine comes from London, says that all the time, and also never stops cleaning the house. Are the two linked, does anyone know?)

Oh, and most fashion stuff. I want to see people with some variety of clothing instead of everyone wearing the same fucking Ugg boots, same shitty jacket and top and scarf and same fucking jeans that don't cover tattoos, thongs, flesh, or indeed, anything at all.

And lastly, though this isn't really a dig at people being common, this is more a general rant, women who sleep with everyone and then wonder why they can't get a man to support them and love them in their mid-thirties. I'm sorry, if you hadn't used yourself as a sex object from 17 to 29 and then felt the biological clock kick in, maybe you would have had a better chance. Instead, you decided to whore yourself out, and you have no-one to blame but yourself for your own fucking predicament. Don't come crying to me that you can't get a man who respects you, because you don't fucking respect yourself at all. Common slapper that you are. (Wahey, tied it back in!)

(Oddly enough, I'm A), a man, and B) 21 years old very soon, so that last rant may have been a bit unusual)

Edit: Woo, controversial post. Sorry if anyone thinks I'm referring to them directly. I'm really not.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 19:28, 20 replies)
You're just bitter that none of them will put out for you.

(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 20:13, closed)
That is...
...News to me.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 21:01, closed)
"women who sleep with everyone and then wonder why they can't get [someone] to support them and love them in their mid-thirties"

Get over yourself, sunshine.

1) I kinda hope you mean "people" rather than "women";
2) There's nothing wrong with that behaviour if they're having safe sex and are happy;
3) to SUPPORT THEM? What, we women can't support ourselves? Or does our ability to support ourselves dry up when we hit 34?

Bless. You have so much growing up to do. Get the fuck on with it.

Edit: your post is not, as you claim, 'controversial'; it's bigoted.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 20:32, closed)
In response
1) I generally hear women complaining how that no man loves them etc etc. I very rarely hear men doing the same. Hence I made a generalisation about women.

2) As for the whole supporting thing, yes, support them. No, your ability to support yourself does not dry up when you hit 34, but at the same time, having a kid and holding a career down without support from anyone is a hard thing.

No, I do not view you as the weaker of the species, but at the same time, when you're trying to juggle everything more than men, surely you need support and help at that time? Or am I being a chauvinistic pig here by saying that?
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 20:59, closed)
wait a wee minute
I'm not calling you on the "complaining no man loves them" thing, I'm calling you on your claim that women who have sex with a variety of men (or, as you put it, "whore themselves out") before they hit their thirties are somehow terrible, reprehensible creatures.

Pretty much everyone needs support and help at some point. It does not necessarily require a man to provide that.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 21:07, closed)
Come on now CHCB
you know as well as I do that adequate support most certainly does require a man. How else are you supposed to find the time to bake cakes and polish the furniture if your holding down one of those pesky jobs.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 22:00, closed)

No, I'm calling the women who deliberately sleep with everyone and everything and then complain that they can't get a man to stay with them, dodgy creatures.

I have no problem with people having sex lots, hell, I enjoy it as much as the next person does, but when women try to use it to lure men in and then fail and complain bitterly, that gets on my nerves.

Pretty much everyone needs support and help at some point. It does not necessarily require a man to provide that.

I'd assume it does require both men and women to support each other, but thats another argument entirely.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 23:51, closed)

So no gay relationships in the pretty world inside your head?
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 18:10, closed)
dumped you did she?
she doesn't know what she's missing. Or perhaps she does.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 20:55, closed)
'21 years old very soon'
Keep on with the crap about women and you won't see 21, sunshine.


Oh, and 'I generally hear women complaining how that no man loves them etc etc. I very rarely hear men doing the same. Hence I made a generalisation about women.'

Wait until you're in your late twenties and you and a fair few of your mates will be saying that no woman loves you, etc. etc.

Common slapper

You honestly think that a woman who has more than one or two sexual partners between the ages of 17 and 29 is a common slapper?!

I take it you have kept yourself nice and won't be taking advantage of any of these nasty types.

Grow up.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 22:36, closed)
Grow up yourself
You honestly think that a woman who has more than one or two sexual partners between the ages of 17 and 29 is a common slapper?!

I am referring to the women who sleep with anything that moves, can be found shagging half the office and other men on the side. Then whinge to their friends how they can't get a man to love and respect them because they've essentially failed to lure a man in with sex.

But then again, way to miss my point, sunshine. ;)

Wait until you're in your late twenties and you and a fair few of your mates will be saying that no woman loves you, etc. etc.

I'm looking forward to that day. I shall be sure to buy you a drink when it does arrive and admit that I was wrong.

I take it you have kept yourself nice and won't be taking advantage of any of these nasty types.

Not after my last incident, no, I will not be taking advantage of these nasty types as you put it.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 23:44, closed)
She hasn't remotely missed your point
sunshine. Your point is quite clear, you're an ignorant little twat with no real knowledge of the subject you're ranting about.

I'm curious now to hear about your last incident and how that was the fault of women everywhere.
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 7:47, closed)
"After my last incident"
Aha, there's the key to all this! He means "women who give you the clap". Twice.
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 13:09, closed)
'the women who sleep with anything that moves'
I take it they'll be like the men who are all bastards...or the ones who are all rapists.

Making generalisations is an extremely lazy way to write and also a sure-fire method for getting the moniker of ignorant twunt.

Generalisations are also extremely common amongst those with precious little experience of the world yet full of the arrogance of youth.

And yes, I am aware of the irony inherent in my last statement.
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 14:21, closed)

And lastly, though this isn't really a dig at people being common, this is more a general rant, women who sleep with everyone and then wonder why they can't get a man to support them and love them in their mid-thirties.

Your "general" rant sounds somewhat specific to me. Sounds like you've someone very much in mind.

I'm sorry, if you hadn't used yourself as a sex object from 17 to 29 and then felt the biological clock kick in, maybe you would have had a better chance. Instead, you decided to whore yourself out, and you have no-one to blame but yourself for your own fucking predicament.

That comes across as if you're threatened by the fact that a woman a) Owns a vagina and b) Isn't afraid to use it.

So what's she supposed to do, cross her legs until the right person comes along?

Don't come crying to me that you can't get a man who respects you, because you don't fucking respect yourself at all. Common slapper that you are

Mate, you're twenty. Frankly, in attempting to come over all self righteous and justified in your "general" rant, you've made yourself look like an immature ranty cunt.

Go and look up the word "misogynist".
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 14:54, closed)
...and for your information
some of us like the women who sleep with anything that moves, they provide a service to the insecure men of the world, boosting our confidence and making us feel better about ourselves, so don't slag them off!

I think that with a little more experience you'll come to see just how wrong you are, but at 21 most people are too cocky for their own good.

Bert Monkeysex
Former Man-Slut Extra-Ordinaire.
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 14:59, closed)
^What Bert said
(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 15:03, closed)


Thank you, ladies and gentlemen (or just PJM really). Next, I shall pull a tortoise out of my anus.

(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 15:15, closed)
that was amazing, how did he do that trick, it looked like it really came out of his, hang on, what's that smell? Is that tortoise alive, it's not moving, it looks like it's suffocated. My god, that smell is really bad, it's coming from the tortoise! Did you actually keep that tortoise up your....?

(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 17:26, closed)
you're a sad and lonely little man, aren't you?

(, Fri 17 Oct 2008, 20:54, closed)

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