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This is a question Complaining

I like writing letters of complaint to companies containing the words "premier league muppetry", if only to give the poor office workers a good laugh on an otherwise dull day. Have you ever complained? Did it work?

(, Thu 2 Sep 2010, 13:16)
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Self service machine train tickets
Has anyone else noticed that the ink on these tickets fades to invisibility within about a month? I usually save up a bunch of travel tickets to claim the cost back from work when there is a reasonable amount to claim (say £50 rather than £14.20 or whatever the single ticket price is)

I've had to stop because lots of tickets I went to claim back were suddenly essentially blank! I want to file a complaint.
(, Thu 2 Sep 2010, 21:06, 9 replies)
Yup noticed that
And the printed receipts too. First time I discovered that it was too late for me to rescue some of them and claim the money back, bastards.
(, Thu 2 Sep 2010, 23:45, closed)
Is that why some of them go invisible and others not? It always left me a bit oblivious!
(, Fri 3 Sep 2010, 0:38, closed)
I've had to have my railcard reprinted 3times in the last 6month because of disappearing ink!
(, Fri 3 Sep 2010, 14:18, closed)
Exactly it.

(, Sun 5 Sep 2010, 20:58, closed)
Is this
Thermal paper? That fades like fuck, the only way to keep it visible is to keep it out of the light and somewhere cool.
(, Fri 3 Sep 2010, 23:42, closed)
Yeah, thermal paper receipts fade as you watch them, but I think the tickets are printed with vanishing ink just to be bastardly.
(, Sun 5 Sep 2010, 20:56, closed)
I tend to photocopy them
but that only works if you finance people accept that, of course.
(, Sun 5 Sep 2010, 12:39, closed)
originals only.
Not sure what they would do with a blank original and a photocopy of what used to be printed on it.
(, Sun 5 Sep 2010, 20:57, closed)
The rail company's terms and conditions state:
13.2.23 Faded or illegible text on tickets or receipt stubs:

If you find that your ticket has faded, you ne

13.2.24 Lost or stolen tickets or receipts
(, Thu 9 Sep 2010, 11:22, closed)

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