I like writing letters of complaint to companies containing the words "premier league muppetry", if only to give the poor office workers a good laugh on an otherwise dull day. Have you ever complained? Did it work?
( , Thu 2 Sep 2010, 13:16)
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Things went down in a fat, lazy south german town full of bored and arrogant posh wankers. I once helplessly witnessed, and got told more later, how my then girlfriend was heavily mistreated by several police officers. Clumsy and cruel and enjoying it. Taking her soul apart in a way that left her shell shocked for long after. I have had contacts with the law of about five countries, some were reasonable, many quite nasty role models, (statistically, France is the worst place in Europe to sleep rough, smoke roll-ups, or indeed sit.) but what went on there takes the bloody, stamped on, desperate biscuit. Bear with me, there is kind of a comical ending in sight. Mostly cathartic writing though, second attempt after THE actual COMPLAINT LETTER. Otherwise, feel free to cut at the lines to skip to pun tl:dr style.
We drunkenly took photos in the snow under a chuch wall, her frolicking and rolling and snow-angeling in the stuff, playful as a puppy. Which was adjacent to the cops' parking lot. Cop steps outside, demands in a rude manner (think nazi movies) what we were up to climbing in (with him being behind the fence, at least 10 meters away) and show your ID. Minor mockery, sensibly thoughrather contextual minor cuss words. Then , while he still more or less just stood there looking pissed off we bumbled off into a side street. Joking about how AC ultimately just AB and such. Realizing too late, a minute or so later, that the man has followed us, now running full force at us. Why i think it was all my fault: the incident was far too marginal to eben bother running. Surely he saw the situation as daily minor annoyance. Surely the fuzz had real problems to care about. Surely they had some donuts and hot cocoa in there, watching Winnie the Pooh and playing chase with their die-cast cars. Did they fuck.
There was little to say or bound to happen against us to start with, but she went postal once the dude knocked me away and pinned her to the ground. As in tackled. While we had stopped anyways, shock second, he was screaming too, and that from walking slowly. So yeah, girl finds herself with a man climbing on top of her. Bit the dude and tried to squirm and kick free, animal mind in control. Still as much danger as a 1m50something, slender girl, is able to be. The daft bumpkin looked a bit desperate, rolling around like that, not getting a grip, and i tried to get them apart, in a sense that the law would accept as consensual civil action. Managed to wedge the man off her and hug her, still caught for them, safe for her. Talked her down, do what's best for you lovely, no way out left, don't make it worse. And i felt her going softer, playing along a bit. We could have continued to resolve this ugly affair like people.
The Cop proceeded instead to call in for reinforcements, and none less than three of them. They screeched the few meters from the station and jumped out driving drama like. Wrenched me from both sides, me doing the "how far can i force them if i do it slowly" tu get to get near the poor girl, talking to her and to them to calm down. And then they tried to stuff her into the car instead of frog-marching us there together. Which took long and seemed much longer, her holding fast to the door frame and squirming. They closed the door on her fingers. After a while they went off. Talked sensibly to the two freshly arrived rozzers left with me, "this is a medical condition, please do show some humanity here. Look it up in her record, there was at least one other occasion, involving an ambulance. She needs me now, before this turns a nightmare, and you clearly see i collaborate." Got laughed at and puffed around some "you best shut it, or we can make you" like. Took my stats and let me go, thrown out rather. They didn't let me in the part of the station i heard her screaming in, blocked the corridor, held me, threatened a beating. By then adrenaline was drained, no chance anyway. Closed doors. What now, call the police, huh? Or be an hero, dealing rightful carnage, big and green like? Pffft. So i waited, smoking and cursing life. What i heard later made my blood curdle, would i have imagined, i would have tried harder.
First they had put her in the padded cell, where she slammed against the walls and almost broke her foot on the door in claustrophoby. That was why i didn't hear more screams and thought she chilled the fuck out now. They sent in a female, who twisted her arm, abused her, and called her worthless slut and that she may considering perishing rapidly on her next diamorphine excursion. Girl had calmed down by then, helpless and confused and tried to ask what she had done and why they were so cruel. At one point she pulled at/tried to rip out her septum piercing, luckily the ball came loose, as it was wedged in, not screwn on. Then forced her to get blood drawn for drug testing, then cuffed her to the bottom of radiator to wait. Thus forcing her to cower down on dirty concrete in the corridor. By then she was just devastated, freezing, crying and asking for help and crying. Passing cops, who didn't even know what had happened, hurled abuse going past. The boss man, same dude who offered me a truncheon lunch when i went in again, stood around smiling. No one questioned anything of it. If it happens, there must be a reason.
Over an hour later, past two in the morning by now, she came out, pale, shaking, crying uncontrollably. We went off on the long way home, the snow fell heavy now, like trying to cover up the story. She said that she just felt like dying. Eventually, the dark and me and the hard booze we hurriedly necked at first chance started to help. She had seen a world of shit, this not nearly being the worst, and we talked nonsense and were cosy until she fell asleep. The next day i called the forces' office, demanding them to come forward with any kind of statement, the names of these involved. The man at the phone was informed and told me: no one saw a thing but us and them. Counter-cases for aggravated assault on both, should we even try. Violent crime tag that every potential employer, border guard and such will see forever, no luck. Months and thousands in cash. Then put the phone down. I didn't try again. Heard of the same so often, saw it a few times. But something that is part of being citizen broke that night.
They didn't accept me as witness in court either. Still had a fun time, the guy all puffed up and hypocrite, failure of society, no chance in this world, preacher style. Us quoting law paragraps regarding this and being hushed, no comment. Her defender talking of difficult upbringing, and not what she had told him. Cameras from the bus station close to there, ignored, "too far away", in fact 10 meters. At least she managed without the outbreak of a flaming shitstorm, us having excessively talked through what will happen beforehand. A few more rough words went past their ears uncommented though, guess, they guessed what had actually happened. Oh, and the rozzer she had bitten (layers of clothing, winter and all) apparently went to hospital for it the same night, none the less. After all, they did not sue on stuff that they could have. She got community work in the animal shelter. Which is fair play, she loves the furry buggers.
So i wrote this letter to our federal president. Took me weeks to bring the anger and shame and instinctive fear to get sucked in by governance in any way, assume a decent, respective style, make the narrative coherent and adequate. Reading up some law, quotes from the german constitution, one of his speeches as well. My whole brittle tar-stained soul was in there. Hand written on posh paper, pages bound with red thread, don't ask me why. And maybe next week, we heard in the news that the man had died. Johannes Rau, † 27. Januar 2006 in Berlin. We never heard back. Karma, that bitch, keeps me hungry.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 16:05, 3 replies)

That I went outside for fresh air and paced up and down the garden for a while
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 16:36, closed)

that when dealing with officious Germans, calling them Fritz (or Adolf), saying they are all either sausage munchers or sausage jockeys, reminding them who won the war (twice, along with one World Cup), coupled with accusing them of being descendents of Reinhardt Heydrich (or Irma Grese if female) always works famously*. Don't forget to also say how your Grandad mentioned "this place" (ie. whatever German town you are in) and how he flew over it several times in his fucking Lancaster, regret how he failed to level the place. Most of all, tutting and telling them that "this is like living in Nazi Germany" is invaluable. Be careful not to go the whole hog and give them the Nazi salute, they will nick you for that. Or you can always accuse them of being weasel-like yellow Stasi drop-outs, that works just as well.
* By "works famously", I may mean "gets you into even more trouble", who can tell?
Um, re-reading your post, you might actually be German, if so.....erm... perhaps ignore my advice.
( , Tue 7 Sep 2010, 19:38, closed)
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