With the Pope about to visit the UK, what better time to unburden yourself of anything that's weighing on your mind by posting it on the internet? Pay particular attention to the Seven Deadly Sins of lust, greed, envy, pride, posting puns on the QOTW board and the other ones. Top story gets to kneel before His Holiness's noodly appendage, or something
( , Thu 26 Aug 2010, 12:47)
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I'm just trying to decide on the category - Crippling Aspergers or Attention Seeking?
( , Sun 29 Aug 2010, 14:49, closed)

That's a shiny fucking tooth. Hopefully the police removed it for him with a truncheon.
( , Sun 29 Aug 2010, 14:59, closed)

I've sifted through all of this to find there's a lot more hate going on in here than I've ever felt! I've never wished that anyone die, except terrorists and murderers.
I'm not against all black people and all Muslims. It's the terrorists, criminals and sponges that come to Canada to use and abuse our system. Criminals should be deported. Sharia Law in Canada?? No!!! These are the people who don't belong here. These are the people I confess to hate. My old land lord is a cunt...yes, so my friend and I call him a nigger. My landlord should be deported for what he did. He wrongfully evicted people from 5 out of 6 flats in that building then lied and ranted in court. The judge was a politically correct wimp.
I don't hate my Jamaican and Pakistani friends. They're not niggers and pakis. They're nice people. My friend Sohail from Pakistan told me his sister (my supervisor) treated the white employees terribly and that his brother-in-law married his sister to live in Canada. He's Al-Qaeda so Sohail and I hate him.
ElGranto, kenzillion and Davros' Granddad' have been helpful. This I can do. 'Get these feelings and thoughts out into the open rather than letting them fester beneath a veneer of political correctness' and 'seek anger management counselling, because you sound like someone full of irrational rage.' There's Dr. Usha in the clinic, a very nice Indian lady. Maybe she can help me with this anger management and deal with this rage. Yes Davros' Granddad', it's too bad that my supervisor and landlord made such a negative impact on my life and attitudes. I'll have to deal with it.
I'm not the *only* person on this site who makes racist jokes. 'Trolley-wog' is pretty tame compared to some of the submissions from the members of B3ta.
'Racism is about the only thing that's not tolerated around here.'
The Bumper B3ta Book of Sick Jokes' was compiled here.
'Racist jokes go on Sickipedia', the companion site for 'The Bumper B3ta Book of Sick Jokes'.
( , Sun 29 Aug 2010, 18:35, closed)

You have black and Asian friends, yet you still call the people you dislike pakis and niggers? You can't see the problem with that? I suggest that you try your little racist punching game with them next time you're out with them, see how long you remain friends.
The best way to get help is to wonder what normal people do. As you obviously have trouble with this, its the following:
If someone acts like a cunt, they're a cunt. They're not a cunt because of their race, its because they're just a cunt. Everyone can be one, you don't have to be black or brown. Therefore, normal people don't use retarded racial insults for people who act like cunts, they use common or garden ones applicable to everyone.
You ex-landlord was possibly a cunt. Not a nigger.
Your ex-boss was possibly a cunt. Not a paki.
Its very simple to not be racist, you engage your brain a bit and realise that people with the same skin colour are not all the same. Some are good, some are bad. If you think a bit further, you realise that every ethnic group is the same and that being racist is really stupid.
Otherwise by your logic I should hate white people, as they're the ones who've caused all my problems. Its a bit silly isn't it? Oh and it helps not to read or watch idiotic right-wing media. You're welcome.
( , Sun 29 Aug 2010, 19:25, closed)

that you have completely misunderstood what was written, or if you did, you just want to fan the fire.
I imagine that you should have no trouble at all getting a government job at some office for political correctness.
No doubt you will crack the shits when I tell you that I feel that when others treat you like shit, you have every right to remember what it is that makes them stand out, if you call me a "white cunt" that's your opinion, and maybe you have reason for that. There are a few in my life,that aren't very PC, including a "ginger cunt" , several "fat lazy cunts", "filthy smokers",a few "indigenous folk" (there... PC just for you), that have had very negative impact on my life, and therefore have have put little red flags in my memory. Common sense, of course, tells you that they cant all be bad, but still, something in your head still makes you wary. It's part of how humans evolved, by being wary of things/places /people/animals that caused problems before.
( , Mon 30 Aug 2010, 6:59, closed)

That's some really sad white-knighting whilst grabbing the wrong end of the shitty stick right there.
( , Mon 30 Aug 2010, 7:52, closed)

"if you don't like people being racist you must be a PC commie pinko bleeding heart liberal" approach. Well done. Yes people can hold their opinion but equally I can tell them they're wrong or a fucking moron. You're wrong. You can hold your opinion, but I'm not going to respect it.
I'll spell it out for you very clearly. We all have 'red flag' stereotypes, its human nature. I will steer clearly of scratty looking types in tracksuits, for example. What I don't do is discriminate based on their race. I will avoid all dodgy looking bastards, black or white.
People of all races can be cunts as I believe I mentioned, but thinking people realise that its not their race that's made them a cunt, its their cuntishness. I will therefore not call them a black cunt or a white cunt as its irrelevant unless you dislike people based on their race. Which is retarded.
If someone has fucked you over, you have every right to remember what makes them cunts, but if the most important thing you can think about is that its their race rather than their poor behaviour that stands out, you're a racist. Very simple. Very stupid.
Those who claim some anti-PC crusade and brandish freedom of speech like a shining weapon of truth and justice aren't non-conformist heroes for the silent majority, it just makes them look as if they're pissed off that they can't get away with calling people coons any more. In my experience that's usually exactly what they are.
People can say what they want, but freedom of speech includes the right to call racists fucking idiots too.
( , Mon 30 Aug 2010, 21:16, closed)

with you about your right to call racists "fucking idiots", at no time have I suggested that that anyone be stereotyped soley because of race, but that once that particular person has done whatever they did to cause you grief, I would think it fairly normal to identify that problem in the simplest of ways, much like you would identify a car or a dog, eg: what colour or model/breed was it?
If you should have a case where the majority or all of one particular race of people have caused you nothing but trouble, I would say that you would be foolish,if you didn't have some kind of issue.
A large portion of humans have an irrational fear of snakes, when never having even met one, and despite knowing that many breeds are not venomous, yet I see no-one getting upset about that.
I may well not be articulate enough to get my point across clearly, but in short I don't condone hate of a race or species overall, but that the race or species is often a visual identifier, of something or someone.
( , Tue 31 Aug 2010, 7:42, closed)

Derogatory words which are used to incite racial hatred have nothing to do with stereotyping. If you were bitten by a snake would you really recoil back and cry out the specific type of breed of snake? "Ah! you fucking cobra!"... probably not. So you'd argue that you'd be unlikely to shout "Ah! You Somali fuck!" should someone of of Somali descent smack you in the head. Would you use a stereotype to insult him, calling him "a fucking pirate"? No? But you need to differentiate them from your own "breed and species" right? Or are they simply a cunt to you (probably having overheard you trying to rationalise being an ignorant racist turd).
( , Tue 31 Aug 2010, 11:51, closed)

you may well be wary of similar people in similar circumstances, maybe even with merit, but unless every black man is a shit landlord or Pakistani is a crap boss, you can't some close to justifying racism with that argument. Should she insult a black doctor due to his colour? How about an Asian accountant?
Oh, of course. Its OK as long as its your opinion.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 19:49, closed)

You're a complete bellend too.
Sohail would undoubtedly be proud to call you a friend if he read the bile you've written. Equally any Muslim you do not like does not become automatically Al Queda. Paki and nigger aren't word like ginger.
This is all just very sad.
( , Tue 31 Aug 2010, 6:05, closed)

You probably wouldn't have had the same response. You say "I know it's wrong, but I can't help it" before going on about "Niggers" and "Pakis" in quite possibly the most sickening manner without once conceding that actually, it might be more than race, and maybe - just maybe - the judge wasn't being a politically incorrect wimp but sided with the person who doesn't have an attitude problem.
Your post here is a fairly major backstep, and I would wager complete bollocks to boot. You say you only hate "bad" people, but yet you still play punch-monkey. You must be a bloody good judge of character to be able to tell who is a terrorist, criminal or sponger. What's their identifying feature?
( , Mon 30 Aug 2010, 10:11, closed)

it might have something to do with pigmentation...
( , Mon 30 Aug 2010, 21:17, closed)
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