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This is a question Control Freaks

Peej writes, "My mate Tony's dad used to weigh the breakfast cereal in the morning to make sure everybody got an equal amount and the pack provided the exact amount of servings advertised on the packet. I learned from this that the recommended serving size on a cereal packet isn't enough to feed a sparrow."

Sound familiar? Tell us more.

(, Fri 24 Oct 2014, 13:57)
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It wasn't just Dr Shambolic.
There were half a dozen of them crapping everything up.

As much to blame are posters like me who took particular exception to it all, and would pointlessly engage them in long winded bickering matches. They weren't ever funny, and we should have ignored them. That's the story.

Shambolic being shitcanned is a Pyrrhic victory. It's amusing, but too late to have any effect.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:19, 5 replies)
Wow, therapy.

(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:20, closed)
i think you are mostly to blame

(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:23, closed)
I concur that excruciatingly painful user, username failed moderation is to blame. (mostly)

(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:29, closed)
yur shit an all, mate

(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:30, closed)
bit gay mate

(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:50, closed)
Its shared with me equally at the very least.

Oh wait a minute
No, its all Shambo's fault for being batshit insane and angry about it
But neither of us helped.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 18:50, closed)
And I think you're a
stupid dork, but this doesn't really get either of us very far.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 11:42, closed)
Well, I'm sorry I never encountered Shambolic. I'm guessing he was one of those guys who hang out in forums all day, swiftly replying to any posts referring to him and calling anybody who disagreed with him an idiot, or a retard?
Am I wide of the mark with my stereotype assumption?
(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:41, closed)

Alright, Fairholme?
(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 15:59, closed)
What gave it away, exactly?
Banhammered in 3, 2 ...
(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 19:41, closed)
You are, quite literally, the dullest and shitest prick here.

(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 14:54, closed)

ner ner ner ne nerrr nerrr
you can't fucking spell .... off to the belm house for you!
(, Sat 1 Nov 2014, 1:50, closed)
You don't know how to use the ellipsis ... cunt

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 8:13, closed)
I can't 'literally' be a dull shitty prick, can I?
I might metaphorically be a shitty prick, and I might literally be dull.

Your sloppy phrase leads me to believe that little stick on your helmet that you type with got in the way when they were doing adverbs at school.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 11:48, closed)
yeah, calling you a tedious prick is the best option.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 12:48, closed)
I think given your limited vocabulary,
it's the only option, no?
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 14:18, closed)
I cannot be bothered to parse that jibber jabber.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 15:12, closed)
And even now, you're STILL upset.
Man up and get over it for fuck's sake.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2014, 19:19, closed)
Oh yeah.
I'm furious.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 11:28, closed)

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