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This is a question Tragic Attempts at Being Cool

You say 'I'm cool, I'm no fool' but then you wind up dropping out of high school'. It was Melle Mel who said that, I swear down. THE Melle Mel, that's right.

This week's question is all about your tragic attempts to be cool (pictures welcome), or perhaps times when you've witnessed another's misguided attempt to be a hep-cat daddio. Share the shame, it might make you feel better.

(, Fri 6 Nov 2015, 10:50)
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As an adolescent i always wanted a long leather duster coat. For me they were the epitome of cool but being skint they were always well out of my price range. I would have even gone for a cheaper canvas one but never found one to my liking. As i got older this vague yearning for the coat never actually went away but i didnt do anything about it either.
Then one fateful day i spotted a bloke selling them on a market stall for quite reasonable prices. I hurried over with my credit card clutched in my hot sticky little hands. Yes they had one that would fit so i quickly tried it on..
I looked in the mirror and realised with a sinking heart that it made me look an absolute tit. Dusters look great if you are tall and skinny with razor sharp cheek bones and piercing eyes. Not if you are an overweight pudgy bloke in his 30's.

I did wear a leather cowboy hat for a while though...
(, Sun 8 Nov 2015, 10:35, 10 replies)
leather fedoras are for Discworld IT autisms and paedophiles

(, Sun 8 Nov 2015, 12:25, closed)

(, Sun 8 Nov 2015, 12:26, closed)
I do like Discworld but i don't work in IT
I also don't find children attractive either. Your mum on the other hand....
(, Wed 11 Nov 2015, 7:15, closed)

i had a similar problem with cowboy boots.
(, Sun 8 Nov 2015, 15:04, closed)
Cowboy boots are for serial rapists and lorry drivers.
Which are much the same thing really.
(, Sun 8 Nov 2015, 15:11, closed)
Its every lorry drivers dream
To have to deliver a bunch of roll end carpets. It makes disposing of dead hitch hikers and dismembered hookers so much less messy
(, Wed 11 Nov 2015, 7:17, closed)
When I wore cowboy hat I was nicknamed Clit Eastwood.
Never again.
(, Sun 8 Nov 2015, 21:06, closed)
I've always wanted one of those.
I think they look comfortable and cosy, that or a leather fedora and a drover coat. Sadly though they're a bit too conspicuous and I don;t think they'd suit me.
(, Sun 8 Nov 2015, 22:23, closed)
I got one years ago for the same reasons.
Also looked like a tit.

It comes in handy for festivals though, as if the ground's a bit wet you can just sit on the coat.
(, Mon 9 Nov 2015, 10:37, closed)
I bought one of the collarless ones, haven't worn it in years
On the plus side, it's windproof, waterproof and low on friction, so you can slip out of crowded tube carriages easily

On the minus side, people feel compelled to shout at you in the street. Ranging from most to least popular: "Oi Neo!", "You are the one!", "Oi Dracula!", "Oi vicar!", "Peter Petrelli!" (in those few months when Heroes was on telly and people actually watched it), "Are you Batman?" and "Hey Van Helsing!"
(, Tue 10 Nov 2015, 12:56, closed)

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