Smash Monkey asks: "what's the creepiest thing you've seen, heard or felt? What has sent shivers running up your spine and skidmarks running up your undercrackers? Tell us, we'll make it all better"
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 7 Apr 2011, 13:57)
Is Creepily quiet today. Is no-one at work?
The Mock Turtle ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Wed 13 Apr 2011, 11:05,
9 replies)
I guess everyone is lurking on talk
seeing if we get a third consecutive day of 'road-crash entertainment'
Ring Of Fire A petty, drooling belming butthurt retard., Wed 13 Apr 2011, 11:22,
What's been happening over there?
I don't go just because I am working and it moves to fast for me to keep up easily.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Wed 13 Apr 2011, 11:29,
Yes, could someone summarise, please
I don't /talk for much the same reasons.
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Wed 13 Apr 2011, 12:02,
Day Month.
The Mock Turtle ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Wed 13 Apr 2011, 11:31,
It was only a matter of time for MW
Ring Of Fire A petty, drooling belming butthurt retard., Wed 13 Apr 2011, 12:51,
So.... what happened, then?
What's been causing such ructions?
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Wed 13 Apr 2011, 13:19,
I was wondering that
Seems like the trouble started with a variation on the old "I fucked your mum"/"Actually my mum's dead" dialogue.
Wet-chinned bag shanker Cannot parse Wogan, Wed 13 Apr 2011, 14:02,
I missed all this stuff but it looks like a bit of this, They always talk about each others mums, what's different this time?

bROKEN aRROW PUA HVI Master, Thu 14 Apr 2011, 11:04,