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This is a question The Dirty Secrets of Your Trade

So, Television is a hot bed of lies, deceit and made up competitions. We can't say that we are that surprised... every job is full of this stuff. It's not like the newspapers currently kicking TV whilst it is down are all that innocent.

We'd like you to even things out a bit. Spill the beans on your own trade. Tell us the dirty secrets that the public need to know.

(, Thu 27 Sep 2007, 10:31)
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that would be why...
But I have indeed noted that an awful lot of women do these horrid little mental games to some degree- so maybe, just maybe, publically pointing out the ramifications of such games will wake some of them up and help them see how they're shooting themselves in the arse.

And really, it was keeping in the spirit of the QOTW- the trade secrets of being male.

That would be why men never go out with such women, preferring the company of such straightforward, non-game players as my good self.

Oh wait...
(, Fri 28 Sep 2007, 17:07, Reply)

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