So, Television is a hot bed of lies, deceit and made up competitions. We can't say that we are that surprised... every job is full of this stuff. It's not like the newspapers currently kicking TV whilst it is down are all that innocent.
We'd like you to even things out a bit. Spill the beans on your own trade. Tell us the dirty secrets that the public need to know.
( , Thu 27 Sep 2007, 10:31)
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...is different to "proper" nursing. No uniform, no forelock touching to Consultants, its all good stuff. Secrets ?
1)We (and OTs and CPNs etc etc) write reams of assessments which no one ever reads - care plans, needs assessments, CPA docummentation.
You know the very end of "Raiders of the Lost Arc" with the arc in a box in a HUGE warehouse ? Thats all the work we've ever produced; filed away for ages.
2) Counselling is bollox - just reflect all the time "Nurse, how am I?"
"How do you feel you are ?"
Rinse and repeat.
3) Current students are crap - not their fault, the syllabus is a complete joke. 3rd year students can quote chapter and verse on the Gov'ts proposals for single mothers with Bi-polar disorder, but cant administer basic medication.
4) Despite evidence on the contrary on this site, drugs CAN fuck you up - many of our clients are 16+, psychotic as hell and will be like that for life. Yes theres only a small chance of a bad reaction, but is it worth it ?
5) It is virtually impossible to get fired from the NHS - short of Murder or blatant theft you will be moved to a "quieter" area - you find all the shit staff in the same place.
6) TBH 9 times out of 10, when someone is pouring out their heart about their childhood / upbringing / abusive relationship Im planning my next cuppa or B3ta trawl, but nodding sympathetically.
7) Their are MANY staff who've been in th ejob 30+ years, retiring in 3-4 years who DO NOT GIVE A TOSS and do the absolute minimum of work possible, delegating to other staff for "A second opinion".
8) We still havent had our frickin pay rise - you know, the one in April ? (Still at least we got one I suppose unlike some poor workers).
9) The Unions are a JOKE - basically they posture and spout hot air then bend over, grease up and ask the Gov't to service them.
Im sure theirs more.
/and relax....
( , Sat 29 Sep 2007, 18:30, Reply)
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