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This is a question DIY disasters

I just can't do power tools. They always fly out of control and end up embedded somewhere they shouldn't. I've no idea how I've still got all the appendages I was born with.

Add to that the fact that nothing ends up square, able to support weight or free of sticking-out sharp bits and you can see why I try to avoid DIY.

Tell us of your own DIY disasters.

(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 17:19)
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April self-fooling
The current ex has given me permission to tell his story from last Tuesday. He was supposed to be meeting me for dinner but rang to say he'd be a little late. This is not unusual as he has worse timekeeping than a troupe of deaf, geriatric showgirls with Parkinsons.

He phoned a little later: "er, I might be a bit longer than I thought".

He sounded cagey so, thoughts of my belated dinner dancing through my head, I demanded to know why.

He 'fessed. He'd been clearing the u-bend of the kitchen sink. Initially, he proudly informed me, it had all gone to plan. He had carefully placed a bucket underneath to catch all the water and swilled the scum and crud through by running the tap a little. He turned off the tap and gently placed a dainty tea cup underneath to catch the final drips. He then picked up the bucket... and poured the whole thing down the sink.

He says it took him a minute to work out where the water was leaking from.

This is a guy who is one of the smartest computer scientists I know. He makes robots for a living. It's a pity such skills do not guarantee common sense, but then common sense isn't all that common, is it?
(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 20:54, 10 replies)
Kitchen Sink.
Hey - I've done that - have you been spying on me?
(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 21:01, closed)
The trouble is...
It's such an automated response to empty a bucket into the sink that I can see why he would do it. I've caught myself on a couple of occasions just about to do the same thing.
(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 21:05, closed)
You just do it without thinking. I managed to stop myself after putting just a small amount of the whole bucketful down.
(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 21:55, closed)
I too
have done this, unfortunately.
(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 22:46, closed)
on far too many occasions. You'd have thought I'd learnt by now.
(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 23:40, closed)
*furtively puts hand up*
I've done it too. More than once....
(, Fri 4 Apr 2008, 4:12, closed)
since it seems to be easily done
I'm now feeling guilty for taunting him about it (though not so guilty that I'll actually stop).
(, Fri 4 Apr 2008, 8:54, closed)
It's a well known fact
That in the majority of cases common sense / practical-mindedness and high intelligence are mutually exclusive. Certainly I've found that anyway - I've met some very intelligent people that can't even wash a cup.
(, Fri 4 Apr 2008, 12:15, closed)
Common sense...
isn't all that common, is it?

That one will stay with me for a while.. You've won my only Friday click for that!
(, Fri 4 Apr 2008, 13:22, closed)
it is true isn't it
common sense is the least common of all the senses
(, Fri 4 Apr 2008, 15:04, closed)

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