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This is a question Fairgrounds, theme parks, circuses and carnivals

Tell us about the time the fairground came to town and you were sick in a hedge; or when you went to a theme park or circus and were sick in a hedge

Suggested by mariam67

(, Thu 9 Jun 2011, 11:37)
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Done it
on the gravatron at Alton Towers

You had to pick the right moment to turn yourself upside down before the heavy G's started!

If you were lucky some girls would do it and you get a free perv at the same time!
(, Mon 13 Jun 2011, 14:08, 1 reply)
hahaha THE GRAVITRON!!!!
awesome. didnt the controller sit in the middle, and then start throwing cuddly toys at people?

ace ride that
(, Mon 13 Jun 2011, 14:10, closed)
He was turing as well - but slower in the middle - wh must have got some right eye fulls - what a quality job.

I was devastated a few years back when I took the missus and it was gone.
(, Mon 13 Jun 2011, 15:01, closed)
it went yeeeeaaarrs ago. Probably 96-97?
Infact it probably went before then. That place is still brilliant.
(, Mon 13 Jun 2011, 15:28, closed)
makes me feel old
I took my dad there in about 94 ish and made him go on the Thunder Looper first - it fucked him up when it went round backwards so he couldn't go on anything else.

At the end of the day he said he could manage one more last ride so I took him on the Gravitron - I don't think he's been on a ride since.

(, Mon 13 Jun 2011, 15:32, closed)
THE THUNDER LOOPA!! hahaha, man you are taking me back
I havent heard that name in years. I remember the enterprise too - but thats still thetre by the black hole - though that is now closed down.
(, Mon 13 Jun 2011, 17:09, closed)
forgot about that one - my sister shit her pants on that.

It was pretty brutal though when it got vertical.

do you remember the old missisipi steam ship thingy? It was knackered but the 'tumble dryer' bit was a laugh if you pushed your mates over and they couldn't get up without help - difficult if you fucked off it to watch and laugh at them.
(, Tue 14 Jun 2011, 8:27, closed)

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