Fairgrounds, theme parks, circuses and carnivals
Tell us about the time the fairground came to town and you were sick in a hedge; or when you went to a theme park or circus and were sick in a hedge
Suggested by mariam67
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 9 Jun 2011, 11:37)
A B3TA thread? Inhabited by unfunny cunts and wankers?
They should call it QOTW...
ousgg is not seeking approval, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 19:10,
11 replies)
Where's Dr Shambolic
when you need him.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 19:33,
most likely ironing his stay pressed trousers just to be sure they do
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 20:26,
Oh my god the call is coming from inside your own house!!?!11ones
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 20:33,
Probably combing his sideburns.
The Mock Turtle ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 20:22,
*starts the clock*
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 20:28,
I was waiting for a Fast Show reference
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 22:05,
In a b3ta thread full of unfunny cunts and wankers? With MYYY reputation?
ousgg is not seeking approval, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 22:22,
I have the internet.
Of COURSE I'm wanking.
Draco Rattus ate all the pies on, Wed 15 Jun 2011, 21:07,
stop capitalising the word b3ta. You're not shouting in real life, are you?
Rotating Wobbly Hat That's not a banana. THIS is a banana., Wed 15 Jun 2011, 21:15,
Let's be fair, he probably is.
JessAction Give me all your expensive brandy and hubcaps., Wed 15 Jun 2011, 21:44,