Two words that fill me with dread. Fancy Dress. Some people really get off on this - last party I went to that involved dressing up, one bloke came in a sort of fetish-nazi outfit, all tight black pvc, whips and jackboots.* Which would have been OK but it was a Eurovision party, and he'd come as Austria.
What's the worst costume you've encountered? Or worn? Or been made to wear...
*and no, it wasn't one of them royals
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 20:15)
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My son and his mate had a joint "pirate" birthday party. Joining in with the fun, I had a rather nice handlebar moustache painted on, and the obligatory eyepatch, waistcoat and silly pirate hat.
Not much, I grant you. However, when one of the birthday boys fell of the climbing frame and fractured his wrist I legged it over to the nearby Sainsburys to grab some magical calpol, which always makes kids feel better whatevers happens.
I was in no mood for the jollity everyone who saw my dapper 'tache broke out into wherever I went in the supermarket hunting the purple nectar. You'd have thought I'd wandered in dressed up to the nines in full pirate regalia - I'd swear crowds almost gathered to make jolly little comments about my outfit and obstruct my quest. Oh well.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 22:16, Reply)
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