Two words that fill me with dread. Fancy Dress. Some people really get off on this - last party I went to that involved dressing up, one bloke came in a sort of fetish-nazi outfit, all tight black pvc, whips and jackboots.* Which would have been OK but it was a Eurovision party, and he'd come as Austria.
What's the worst costume you've encountered? Or worn? Or been made to wear...
*and no, it wasn't one of them royals
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 20:15)
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or I do when I'm made to do it, anyway. The words could strike terror into my heart as a kid. This may be to do with the fact my choices for costume in primary school were witch, clown and fairy. I hate face paints, clowns scare me and I was not the sort of little girl you could persuade to dress up as a fairy.
I don't mind so much now, though there have been a few mistakes. Such as the bridesmaid's dress I had to wear for my cousin's wedding about 10 years ago. His now ex-wife was an evil manipulative psycho bitch from hell, and her idea of a lovely dress for her husband's sister and cousin and her own bratty little daughter (think Violet Elizabeth or Veruca Salt) to wear were dusty pink silk, with scrunched up bits and silk roses on the shoulders, and matching headbands. We looked awful. And to make matters worse I had to be forced back into it a year or so after the wedding to play a munchkin (in the Lullaby League or somesuch) in the Wizard of Oz production our school was putting on.
I do own one fancy dress costume that I like (French maid, for the record), and it's all-purpose. Halloween? I'm Magenta from Rocky Horror. TV theme? One of the random waitresses from Allo Allo. Sorted. And I can normally pretty much guarantee I'll pull that night. I bought it for a languages thing at school, mainly to draw attention away from a really slutty girl who thought she was it. It worked to say the least - she was not impressed. So it was all worthwhile, and thus my fancy-dress fear was cured.
On a related note, my ex liked to dress up as Nosferatu for no reason. With the creepy rubber mask and everything. I think he just liked to freak me out. Or somehow got the idea that I was into vampires. Strange man.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 22:35, Reply)
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